[comp.object] Inheritance IS NOT Delagation!!!!!

david@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (David E. Smyth) (10/13/89)

In article <17653@brunix.UUCP> sdm@norton.UUCP (Scott Meyers) writes:
>In article <125984@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover) writes:
>>I once read that the inheritence mechanism is a special case of a more
>>general phenomena called Delegation. I cannot come up with the reference
>>but unless I am mistaken I think it was an article written by Stefik and
>>Bobrow in the AI Magazine a few years ago. 
>Lynn Stein, a graduate student here at Brown, proved that delegation and
>inheritance are equivalent.  Hence, inheritance is not a "special case" of
>delegation.  For the proof, see her paper in the OOPSLA '87 Proceedings:
>"Delegation Is Inheritance."

Delagation is better than Inheritance, because 
1) Inheritance violates encapsulation by the superclasses, therefore
2) Inheritance makes concurrency more difficult in the resultant system.

Note: "Actors" which is the most widely accepted language concept for
concurrent object programming, DOES NOT support concurrency.

Using delagation, one builds a complex "object" through grouping
several different small objects together.  Each small object maintains
its own address space and thread.  The complex object is only

Delagation reflects reality better than inheritance:  your car does not
inherit from door, tire, and engine: is is a composite made up of
doors, tires, and an engine.  The fact that the window on the left door
is open should have no bearing on the state of other windows or the
fuel injection or tire pressure.

Concurrency is more cleanly supported with Delagation than with
Inheritance.  Imagine a Car class built using multiple-inheritance.
Building the car would require the constructors to be invoked serially,
OR the programmer would have to be concerned about critical sections
and the like.  As we all know, critical sections are notoriously hard
to find and debug.  The reason time sharing systems are so easy to use
is this: all of the processes get their own address space.  The
encapsulation provided by objects is exactly the same, but the
granularity is finer.  This leads to more effective use of
multi-processors and multi-threaded processes (ala Mach).

In fact, one can think of the object universe which represents the
typical object-oriented application as being a bunch of delagating

The average depth of inheritance in most systems is about 3.  The
number of object types in many systems is very large, in the dozens to
thousands.  Therefore, people tend to favor delagation over inheritance
by a large margin, even when they don't consider it to be an issue.

Can you imagine the nightmare which would result if all the objects in
YOUR application were cobbled together via inheritance into a single
object type?  Barfo dude!  Sure, a graduate student can "prove", that
"Inheritance IS Delagation" but is is obviously the inferior form of
the duality.

Lynn Stein would have met with alot of disagreement if that paper was
presented at OOPSLA '89.

pallas@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Joe Pallas) (10/13/89)

In article <6219@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV>
david@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (David E. Smyth) writes a very confusing
explanation of why he thinks something which is not inheritance is
better than something which is not delegation.

I only hope that no one was so confused by reading his article that
they can't get unconfused.  I strongly recommend reading ``A Shared
View of Sharing: The Treaty of Orlando'' (in {\em Object-Oriented
Concepts, Databases, and Applications\/}) for a good explanation of
what inheritance and delegation have in common and how they differ.


twl@brunix (Ted "Theodore" (W) Leung) (10/13/89)

In article <6219@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV> david@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (David E. Smyth) writes:
<comments deleted>
>object type?  Barfo dude!  Sure, a graduate student can "prove", that
>"Inheritance IS Delagation" but is is obviously the inferior form of
>the duality.
I think that we need to be careful about what exactly we mean when we say
'delegation' and what we mean when we say 'inheritance'.  When most people
talk about inheritance, they mean the standard Smalltalk-80
inheritance, and this is not at all what is meant in the OOPSLA-87
paper.   The concepts presented in the paper cover many of your
concerns about modular sharing, and do not restrict sharing in the
fashion which you are concerned about.

>Lynn Stein would have met with alot of disagreement if that paper was
>presented at OOPSLA '89.
I'm willing to bet that many of the ideas which you heard about at
OOPSLA-89 probably originated in Lynn's paper or because of the
discussions between her, David Ungar and Henry Lieberman.  There are
some very interesting, powerful, and practical ideas, many of which
are available in any object oriented systems, in the paper.  Before you
simply dismiss someone out of hand for being a graduate student,
perhaps you should take a look at their work.  

Internet/CSnet: twl@cs.brown.edu 	| Ted Leung
BITNET: twl@BROWNCS.BITNET		| Box 1910, Brown University
UUCP: uunet!brunix!twl			| Providence, RI 02912

UH2@PSUVM.BITNET (Lee Sailer) (10/13/89)

<6219@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV> <17795@brunix.UUCP>

As long as we are being careful about what "inheritance" and "delegation"
really mean, let's be careful about "proved" and "the same", too.

One can prove that all computations are equivalent to some Turing Machine,
but it is still true that computations is some language, even BASIC,
offer many advantages over TM's.  Even if inheritance and delegation
can be shown to be logically equivalent in some fundamental sense,
one might be a better notation or representation than the other for some

hallett@pet3.uucp (Jeff Hallett x5163 ) (10/19/89)

In article <6219@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV> david@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (David E. Smyth) writes:
>In article <17653@brunix.UUCP> sdm@norton.UUCP (Scott Meyers) writes:
>>In article <125984@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> grover%brahmand@Sun.COM (Vinod Grover) writes:
>>Lynn Stein, a graduate student here at Brown, proved that delegation and
>>inheritance are equivalent.  Hence, inheritance is not a "special case" of
>>delegation.  For the proof, see her paper in the OOPSLA '87 Proceedings:
>>"Delegation Is Inheritance."
>Using delagation, one builds a complex "object" through grouping
>several different small objects together.  Each small object maintains
>its own address space and thread.  The complex object is only
>Delagation reflects reality better than inheritance:  your car does not
>inherit from door, tire, and engine: is is a composite made up of
>doors, tires, and an engine.  The fact that the window on the left door
>is open should have no bearing on the state of other windows or the
>fuel injection or tire pressure.

The relationships you  discuss can be expressed in  the form of a type
of aggragation   relations.  Aggragation  relations, in general, allow
for an  object to be composed of  other objects.   A relation  of this
type is generally  used  to express  things like  sets,  dictionaries,
bags, lists, stacks,  etc that are composed of  instances of the  same
class (or subclass).  However, we find it  useful to generalize to say
that  a class may    have   several aggragate  relations  to different
classes.  By using relations in this way, it is still possible for the
composite class to have properties and respond  to  messages as a unit
and then handle delegating method work to its components.

Are we all using the  same definition  of "delegation"?  Delegation of
responsibility (as we  have described it  here) is a natural result of
the object-oriented paradigm - let each object handle  the information
and properties given to members of its class.  Used this way, then car
does not  have to know specific about  car  doors - its simply queries
the car door when it needs to know something.

Clearly delegation in  this  sense cannot be equated  to  inheritance.
Delegation allows for specificity of  function and information whereas
inhertitance allows  for specificity  of form   - two related  but not
synonymous concepts.

>The average depth of inheritance in most systems is about 3.  The
>number of object types in many systems is very large, in the dozens to
>thousands.  Therefore, people tend to favor delagation over inheritance

Did  you  just pull  this  out  of  your hat?     I've never seen   an
inhertiance tree for a reasonably sized project with a depth less than
5.  Object number is large, as you  say, but for  a complex system, it
is  EASY to  have  specialized needs that drive the  tree to have long

	     Jeffrey A. Hallett, PET Software Engineering
      GE Medical Systems, W641, PO Box 414, Milwaukee, WI  53201
	    (414) 548-5163 : EMAIL -  hallett@gemed.ge.com
     "Your logic was impeccable Captain. We are in grave danger."