[comp.object] Object oriented systems securit

render@m.cs.uiuc.edu (10/20/89)

Written  8:44 am  Oct 19, 1989 by hallett@pet3.uucp:
>It  seems like the  term  "object-oriented database" is just a
>buzzword  construction created by IS types  to make them sound in tune
>with current technology ... if  I am missing something in this buzzwordy 
>term, please let me know.

An OODBMS is quite different from a conventional DBMS in a number of
ways, the principal one being that it supports an OO data model (objects,
methods, classes, subclasses) rather than a network/hierarchical/relational/
deductive/semantic/logical/ER data model.  It is also quite different from an 
OOPL in that it usually supports transaction management, multi-user 
concurrency, persistence, queries and various other things.  There are a lot 
of papers out discussing OODBMS issues.  Take a look at the OOPSLA and SIGMOD 
conference proceedings from the last few years, or take a look at the book 

	_Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications_, 
	ed. Won Kim and Frederick Lochovsky, ACM Press, 1989.  
	ISBN 0-201-14410-7, $42.75 US.

A new book by Stanley Zdonik on OODBMSs has also just been published, although 
I don't have any info on it.
