[comp.object] is-part-of relationships

rtrosper@esunix.UUCP (Robert Trosper) (11/10/89)

> In article <469f709a.20b6d@apollo.HP.COM> vinoski@apollo.HP.COM (Stephen Vinoski) writes:
> ->What's your favorite way to handle "is-part-of" relationships between objects?

I presume that one of your concerns is maintaining encapsulation while providing
access to subcomponents of the complex object.

"My favorite method" is to construct objects which know how to navigate the
database in response to user queries. Yes, this does require the controller
to know about the structure of the hierarchy, but not necessarily the
structure of each object in it.

This is not a purist approach. More pure, but many times less efficient,
is to broadcast messages to the entire database asking if they have
the requested information.

The advantage to the abstract class for navigation is that the structure
of the data can be changed without impacting the end user.

My next project is to make the database self describing, thus constructing
its own controllers, but I have sufficient work that they are paying me
for :-).

P.S. Another advantage to the controller approach is that you can peform
multiple operations or use more user-meaningful keywords and so on
without putting that stuff in all the objects.

					Robert Trosper

jtr@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Jason Trenouth) (11/21/89)

>>>>> On 4 Nov 89 01:57:17 GMT, barmar@leander.think.com (Barry Margolin) said:

Barry> You'd probably want to have a component of the component object that
Barry> points back to the object of which it is a part, though.  Sometimes
Barry> component objects need to affect their containers.  For instance, a gas
Barry> tank object might want to send a message to the car's gas gauge object.
Barry> The component should be prepared for that slot to be empty,
Barry> interpreting that to mean that it hasn't been installed.  Barry
Barry> Margolin, Thinking Machines Corp.

This isn't a good example in general. Monitoring facilities are probably
better implemented transparently with respect to monitored objects.  They
should not have to "know" about that sort of thing.  _Active values_ are a way
of doing this. For example, see:

Stefik, M. J., Bobrow, D. G., and Kahn, K. M. (1986)
"Integrating Access-Oriented Programming into a Multiparadigm Environment,"
in IEEE Software, January 1986, pages 10-18.


| Jason Trenouth,                        | JANET:  jtr@uk.ac.exeter.cs       |
| Computer Science Dept,                 | UUCP:   jtr@expya.uucp            |
| Exeter University, Devon, EX4 4PT, UK. | BITNET: jtr%uk.ac.exeter.cs@ukacrl|