[fa.info-vax] Bell Wars, etc.

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (09/24/84)

From: politik!paul@BERKELEY (Paul Vixie)

Re: HOSTSYNC and the I/O User's Guide

Oooops.  I looked at our CIT101e manuals and found only an escape sequence
for locking the keyboard.  I assumed that VT100 did something to the driver.
Didn't think of looking in the IO guide...  Funny that I wouldn't have thought
of HOSTSYNC as the solution; one of our data logging programs *absolutely
depends* on it!  Oh well... Sorry to publish my ignorance... Next time I'll
read the manuals ("Very clear about it", you say?)

As long as I'm broadcasting here, a quick question:  are any of the readers
or contributors to this group on UUCPNET, running VMS, without Eunice|Unity?
Finding a UUCP running under vanilla VMS would be a Dream Come True..

		Paul Vixie