[comp.object] references wanted

hott@stan.Solbourne.COM (Brandt Hott) (01/05/90)

Hello Everyone,

		I was wondering if anyone could point me towards various
papers (any) concerning object oriented approaches to distributed computing
in the unix environment?  

			Brandt Hott

//Brandt Hott//////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\////\\\
//Software Engineer///////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/////\\\\
//Solbourne Computer Inc.//////////////////////////////\\\\\
//email: hott@Solbourne.Com //Hmmm..............///////\\\\\\\
//boulder!Solbourne.Com!hott  /_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|/_\|

eberard@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (Edward Berard) (01/06/90)

Here are some references on object-oriented distributed computing. A
few of these references do indeed mention UNIX, however, most are
general articles. Many of these articles have decent bibliographies.
There are many more references than I have the time to post here.

I hope this helps.

				-- Ed Berard
				   (301) 353-9652


[Agha, 1986]. G. Agha, ACTORS, A Model of Concurrent Computation in
Distributed Systems, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986.

[Almes and Holman, 1987]. G.T. Almes and C.L. Holman, "Edmas: An
Object-Oriented, Locally Distributed Mail System," IEEE Transactions
on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-13, No. 9, September 1987, pp. 1001 -

[Black et al, 1986]. A. Black, N. Hutchinson, E. Jul, and H. Levy,
"Object Structure in the Emerald System," OOPSLA '86 Conference
Proceedings, Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 21, No. 11,
November 1986, pp. 78 - 86.

[Caplinger, 1987]. M Caplinger, "An Information System Based on
Distributed Objects," OOPSLA '87 Conference Proceedings, Special Issue
of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 22, No. 12, December 1987, pp. 126 - 137.

[Davis and Irving, 1989]. N.W. Davis and M. Irving, "Practical
Experiences of Ada and Object-Oriented Design In Real-Time Distributed
Systems," Ada: the Design Choice -- Proceedings of the Ada-Europe
Conference, Madrid 13-15 June 1989, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1989, pp.  59 - 79.

[Heitz and Labreuille, 1988]. M. Heitz and B. Labreuille, "Design and
Development of Distributed Software Using Hierarchical Object Oriented
Design and Ada," in Ada In Industry: Proceedings of the Ada-Europe
International Conference Munich 7-9 June, 1988, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1988, pp. 143 - 156.

[Jalote, 1989]. P. Jalote, "Resilient Objects in Broadcast Networks,"
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, January
1989, pp. 68 - 72.

[Low, 1988]. C. Low, "A Shared Persistent Object Store," ECOOP '88:
Proceedings of the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
Lecture Note on Computer Science, Volume 322, Springer Verlag, New
York, New York, 1988, pp. 390 - 410.

[Lujun and Zhongxiu, 1987]. S. Lujun and S. Zhongxiu, "An
Object-Oriented Programming Language for Developing Distributed
Software," SIGPLAN Notices, Vol.  22, No. 8, August 1987, pp. 51 - 56.

[McQuown, 1989]. K. McQuown, "Object-Oriented Design in a Real-Time
Multiprocessor Environment," Proceedings of TRI-Ada '89 -- Ada
Technology In Context: Application, Development, and Deployment,
October 23-26, 1989, Association for Computing Machinery, New York,
New York, pp. 570 - 588.

[Tripathi et al, 1987]. A. Tripathi, A. Ghonami, and T. Schmitz,
"Object Management in the NEXUS Distributed Operating System," Digest
of Papers COMPCON, Spring 1987, IEEE Catalog Number 87CH2409-1,
Computer Society Order Number 764, Computer Society Press of the IEEE,
Washington, D.C., pp. 50 - 53.

[Wiebe, 1986]. D. Wiebe, "A Distributed Repository for Immutable
Persistent Objects," OOPSLA '86 Conference Proceedings, Special Issue
of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 21, No. 11, November 1986, pp. 453 - 465.

cjmchale@cs.tcd.ie (Ciaran McHale) (01/16/90)

Sorry for any duplication of this message. I tried to post it before but
didn't see it at my site so I presume my attempted posting failed.

Having just started my Masters (adding a synchronisation mechanism to a
parallel OO language) I'm looking for references in the area of
synchronisation mechanisms. In particular, I'd be pleased if anyone could
point me in the right direction for references to the following:

	1. How to overcome the basic conflict between inheritance and
	2. Powerful synchronisation mechanisms. Semaphores and Monitors are
	   a bit low level. I'm looking for something with similar/more
	   expressive power than (Regular, Open, Predicate) Path Expressions.
	3. Efficient implementation of low level synchronisation primitives.

(You may be wondering what this has got to do with OO programming. Point (1)
above is the answer and hence my posting to this group).

Thanks in advance

P.S. Please email me. I'll summerise if there's much interest.