ECOOP/OOPSLA '90 Workshops ------------------------------------------------------- Workshops will be an important part of ECOOP/OOPSLA '90. They ensure a close and fruitful interaction between experts in a narrow subject area, and complement the panel discussions and the paper presentations of the technical sessions. The workshops should be small in size, normally less than 30 people. This makes debate and discussion possible. Workshops should have only (active) discussants and no (passive) public. Workshops are not the place for experts to debate in front of an observing public; that is the purpose of panels. The basic ingredient in a workshop is the short, on-the-spot, improvised reaction, not the carefully planned and polished presentation; that is the purpose of the Conference itself. You can organize a workshop by sending a proposal to either the European co-chair or the American co-chair, whose addresses will follow. The proposal should describe as precisely as possible the topic of the workshop, should mention people or projects that you hope would be represented, and should briefly describe the format that you plan to follow. Workshops attendees will be required to send position papers. One of your jobs as an organizer is to read these position papers and decide who should be allowed to attend and who should not be allowed to attend. If there are only a small number of position papers then you can accept all reasonable position papers, but if there are a lot of them then you will have to make hard choices. You will need to have reviewed position papers and decided on who will attend by the end of August. Your second job as an organizer is to preside over the actual meeting. The workshops will normally last a day, though exceptions can be granted by petitioning the workshop co-chairs. The workshops will be held the first few days of ECOOP/OOPSLA '90, which is October 21-25, before the technical sessions. Although you may state the day that you prefer the workshop to be held, scheduling is the job of the workshop co-chairs. Your last job as an organizer is to ensure that a record of the workshop is published. If a select group of specialists work together for a day or so, it is to be expected that something interesting will come out of it. The easiest way to create a record is to appoint someone to take minutes of the workshop, to have the minutes typed that evening or the following day (word processors will be provided) and distributed to the attendees for correction and comment while they are still at ECOOP/OOPSLA. This record is in addition to the position papers, which should be distributed to the workshop attendees either before or at the start of the workshop. Narrow topics are preferred over broad ones. The workshop co-chairs will be happy to provide feedback on possible proposals. Proposals are due March 1. Jean Francois Perrot Ralph E. Johnson European co-chair for workshops American co-chair for workshops LAFORIA, Tour 46-00, 3eme etage, Dept of Computer Science Universite Paris VI 1304 W. Springfield Ave. 4 Place Jussieu, F-75232 Paris Cedex 05 Urbana, IL 61801 France phone: (33-1) 43 54 85 64 phone: (217) 244-0093 Fax: (33-1) 46 34 19 27 FAX: (217) 333-3501 (02/25/90)
Several people have told me that the official call for papers for ECOOP/OOPSLA says that the date for submitting workshop proposals is March 15, not March 1 as I said in my message. So, replace March 1 by March 15. I hope the number of people who noted the error is an indication that we will get lots of proposals. Ralph Johnson (07/19/90)
Please post. The regular OOPSLA advertising seems to be delayed. This is a description of workshops. If you think you might have trouble meeting the workshop organizers deadlines, please contact them. They might not mind late submissions. (Then again ...) In general, the August 1 deadline is probably flexible, but check with the workshop organizers to be sure. Ralph Johnson ECOOP/OOPSLA 90 Workshops Workshops provide a way for experts in an area to discuss current topics and present their latest work. All workshops require that prospective attendees submit short position papers (of two to five pages), though some workshops require longer papers. Papers are due by August 1, 1990. It is a good idea to contact the workshop organizer early to get more detailed information about the scope of the workshop. Also, most workshops have several organizers, and some of them may be easier for you to contact than the contact person. Sunday and Monday, October 21-22 (two day workshop) Object-Based Concurrent Programming Exploitation of parallelism using the notion of objects has proved useful and powerful in various areas of computer science and artificial intelligence. The workshop will provide a forum where researchers in different areas can convene and exchange their ideas. Suggested topics include, but are not necessarily limited to: computational models, novel object-based or multi-paradigm languages, transformations for concurrent programs, inheritance, persistency, debugging, software design/development methodology, applications, and implementation techniques. Carl Hewitt (MIT), Gul Agha (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Peter Wegner (Brown University), Akinori Yonezawa (University of Tokyo) Send 5 copies of position papers or extended abstracts to: Carl Hewitt MIT - CS 545 Technology Sq. Bldg. NE43 - Room 813 Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: 617-253-5873 Fax: 617-253-5060 E-mail: Sunday, October 21, 1990 Garbage Collection A substantial amount of effort has gone into trying to make object garbage collection efficient. This workshop will examine the issues and work toward identifying the techniques used as well as the major problems being worked on. Topics of interest include: performance of existing techniques distributed garbage collection garbage collection for particular languages, such as Smalltalk. Send position papers to: Eric Jul and Niels Christian Juul Dept. of Computer Science University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 1 DK-2100 Copenhagen Denmark Phone +45 31 39 64 66 Fax: +45 31 39 02 21 E-mail:, Third CLOS Users and Implementor's Workshop: "Now What?" This year's CLOS Workshop will consist of three units. "Looking back" will try to identify, collect, and evaluate past decisions to ensure that we learn all we can from CLOS' rich, hectic history. "Taking stock" will compile a representative list of projects that illuminate different aspects of the language, such as the metaobject protocol, CLOS' approach to inheritance, or method combination. "Future needs" will attempt to produce a roadmap of what needs to happen during the next two or three years. Position papers should address one of the three units. Please submit five copies, indicating the unit you wish to address, to: Andreas Paepcke Hewlett-Packard Laboratory 1501 Page Mill Rd. Palo Alto, CA. 94304-1126 Phone: 415-857-7394 Fax: 415-857-8526 E-mail: Transactions and Objects The workshop will focus on achieving concurrency control and failure atomicity for object based systems and languages. It will cover topics such as the use of object semantics in transaction models, recoverability, state based commutativity and layers of data abstraction. The workshop will present and discuss both theoretical and practical results: models, algorithms, languages and systems. Bruce Martin (HP) and Krithi Ramamrithan (U. Massachusets) Send position papers to: Bruce Martin Hewlett-Packard Laboratories 1501 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Phone: 415-857-8231 Fax: 415-857- 8526 E-mail: Graphics for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (GOOSE) Graphics are needed by software engineers for many reasons, including modeling during analysis and design and communication during maintenance. The workshop is for practicing software engineers, developers of design methods, and developers of CASE tools. Topics include identifying the criteria for selecting graphics for object-oriented software engineering, identifying and examining likely candidate grpahical techniques, and identifying useful combinations of techniques. Edward V. Berard Berard Software Engineering, Inc. Phone: 301-353-9652 Fax: 301-353-9272 E-mail: Using OOP for Realtime Programming The strength of OOP in modeling real-world entities makes it attractive for real-time programming, but object-oriented languages are reputed to be inefficient and to hide performance costs. This workshop will provide an opportunity for those with practical experience to discuss these issues: what are the real problems, and can they be overcome so that the potential benefits of OOP can be realized? Case studies describing actual experiences, whether successful or not, are especially welcome. Brian Barry Defence Research Establishment Ottawa 3701 Carling Ave. Ottawa, Canada K1A 0Z4 Phone: 613-998-2093 Fax: 613-990-8401 E-mail: Monday, October 22, 1990 Object-Oriented Program Development Environments Program Development Environments (PDE's) are language-specific tools that assist program design, coding, testing, and maintenance activities. An object-oriented approach introduces two major features to PDE's: (1) representation of program components and their relationships as objects that are manipulated by the user through an object-oriented interface, and (2) greater encapsulation of environment components and increased extensibility of environment functionality. This workshop will concentrate on problems and approaches to the design and implementation of OOPDE's. Both general position papers and papers relating particular experiences with OOPDE's are encouraged. Dmitry Lenkov and Michael Monegan Hewlett-Packard Company California Language Lab 19447 Pruneridge Ave. MS 47LH Cupertino, CA 95014 Phone: 408-447-5279 / 408-447-0769 fax: 408-447-4924 E-mail: {dmitry mmonegan} Reflection and Metalevel Architectures in Object-Oriented Programming This workshop will focus on both the theoretical foundations and the practical applications of reflection in OOP. It will have three main tracks: theory, implementation, and applications. Topics will include: Definitions and terminology of reflection. Architectures for achieving reflection. The level on which reflection is implemented (object, underlying language, metalevel). Implementation of OOP languages and environments that support reflection. Advantages and disadvantages of reflection in OOP. Reflection in concurrent systems. Applications of reflective facilties. Jean-Pierre Briot (Rank Xerox France), Brian Foote (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Gregor Kiczales (Xerox PARC), Mamdouh Ibrahim (EDS), Satoshi Matsuoka (University of Tokyo) Send five copies of an extended abstract (not less than 3 pages long) that addresses one or more of the above topics as related to OOP to: Mamdouh H. Ibrahim EDS Research & Development 3551 Hamlin Rd., 4thfloor Auburn Hills, MI 48057 Phone: 313-370-1629 Fax: 313-370-1551 E-mail: Object Orientation in Operating Systems The workshop will consider the several ways that the object-oriented approach applies to operating system design: (1) operating system support for user-level objects; (2) using objects in the design of an operating system; and (3) interactions between user and system objects. The first topic considers for instance the appropriate granularity of object support, the possibility of sharing objects between different languages, or the integration of GC support in the operating system. The second topic discusses the gains/problems of using the object-oriented approach in OS design, the best choice of OS object types, and the inadequacies of existing languages or approaches for this goal. The third may consider conflicts between system-and user-level policy decisions. Vince Russo (U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Marc Shapiro (INRIA) Send position papers to: Marc Shapiro INRIA BP 105 78153 Rocquencourt Cedex France Phone: +33 (1) 39-63-53-25 Fax: +33 (1) 39-63-53-30 E-mail: Testing of Object-Oriented Systems The workshop will bring together three groups of people: those who design object-oriented development techniques of environments, practitioners who build and test large object- oriented systems, and researchers in test methods. The goal is for each group to understand the others and to understand current and future problems and possibilities. Topics include How well existing testing methods and theories apply to object-oriented systems. How testing an object-oriented system is different from testing other kinds of systems. What testing techniques and tools practitioners use now. How language features, programming environments, and design methods affect testability. Brian Marick Motorola, Inc. 1101 East University Urbana, Illinois 61801 Phone: 217-384-8500 (to leave a message) Fax: 217-384-8550 E-mail: The Bottom Line: Using OOP in the Commercial Environment This workshop will continue the dialog which began last year. Participants with experience in the commercial application of OOP will explore a selected set of issues derived from last yearUs workshop. Please contact the workshop organizers for a suggested list of issues to address in your position paper. Susana Hutz (Motorola), K.C. Burgess Yakemovic (NCR) Send position papers to: K.C. Burgess Yakemovic NCR Corporation, Human Interface Technology Center 500 Tech Parkway Atlanta, GA 30313 Phone: 404-853-2947 Fax: 404-853-2934 E-mail: Finding the Object One of the basic issues in object-oriented analysis and design is finding the objects. This workshop will compare different methods of finding objects, including how these methods are used at various points of the life-cycle and how they are taught. Each position paper should describe the context in which the method is used. Mark A. Whiting Battelle Northwest Laboratories PO Box 999 Richland, WA 99352 Phone: 509-375-2237 Fax: 509-375-3641 E-mail: