[comp.object] extended deadline for OOPSLA Graphics and OOD Workshop submissions

gerhardt@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu (Mark Gerhardt) (08/17/90)

Extension of deadline for submission of position papers to the OOPSLA Workshop
 on Graphics for Object-Oriented Software Engineering.

The deadline to submit your position paper to participate in the Graphics
Workshop on Onject-Oriented Software Engineering has been extended
to 1 September because of the late mailing of OOPSLA conference information.

I am co-chairing this conference with Ed Berard as the chair.  He asked me to 
write a few words about my perception of this workshop.

Graphical design techniques and tools are beginning to make inroads into
industrial practice.  The intent and use of these tools and methods in
conjunction with the principles and contexts of OOP languages needs

Besides being an efficient communication medium, what other information should
the graphics convey?  Dynamic behavior semantics are possible within
graphical notation.  Some graphics can be animated, and observed in a dynamic
fashion.  Graphics may also be used to show the class taxonomy of
a design.

The above are but a few samples of the possibilities that can be expressed by
graphical design notation.  The range of these ideas wil be explored, and
we will try to define the objectives of using graphical notation for OOD
and potential syntactic and semantic foundations for graphical notation
to support the visual conceptualization of object-oriented architectures.

The original call from Ed Berard follows for your reference:


Workshop on Graphics for Object-Oriented Software Engineering (GOOSE)
                   (A Workshop at ECOOP/OOPSLA '90)

                         by Edward V. Berard
                  Berard Software Engineering, Inc.

Graphical representations are an integral part of most software
engineering processes. During analysis and design they help us to
model both the problem and our potential solutions. During testing
they can provide a quick visual means of generating test cases. During
maintenance, well-executed graphics can guide software engineers in
the repair and extension of existing systems. In fact, there are very
few, if any, software engineering activities which do not benefit from
some forms of graphics.

Good software engineering graphics are simple, straightforward, and
accurately reflect the software engineering approach (e.g., functional
decomposition or object-oriented) used in their associated activity.
Not surprisingly, the most familiar forms of software engineering
graphics (e.g., data flow diagrams, structure charts, and flow charts)
reflect the most common software engineering approach, i.e.,
functional decomposition.

Object-oriented approaches are significantly different from the more
conventional approaches. Probably the most significant difference is
in how information is localized, i.e., object-oriented approaches
localize information around objects, not functions or data. Other
differences include:

        -       how objects interact, which is not restricted to a
                simple function invocation hierarchy,

        -       the interfaces of objects, which are not simple
                subroutine interfaces, and

        -       the clear separation of information into a
                specification (or interface) part and a body (or
                internal) part.

Some attempts at defining graphics for object-oriented software
engineering resulted in either the direct use of, or simple extensions
to, the more conventional graphics e.g., [Alabiso, 1988], [Gray,
1987], [Gray, 1988], [Reed and Bynum, 1989], and [Wasserman, 1990].
Others have resulted in newer types of graphics, e.g., [Booch, 1986],
[Booch, 1990], [Coad and Yourdon, 1989], [Cunningham and Beck, 1986],
[Heitz and Labreuille, 1988], [Loomis et al, 1987], [Pun and Winder,
1989], and [Vielcanet, 1989]. (It is interesting that Ray Buhr, who
does not consider his approach to be object-oriented, is often cited
as a supplier of "object-oriented graphics," e.g., [Buhr, 1984].)
Still others have mixed both conventional graphics with new forms,
e.g., [Shlaer and Mellor, 1988] and [Stark and Seidewitz, 1987].

There are those who advocate the use of known, but less popular,
graphics, e.g.:

        -       semantic networks (e.g., page 180 of [Barr and
                Feigenbaum, 1981]) and other graphical representation
                techniques from artificial intelligence (e.g.,
                [Janlert, 1988] and [Sowa, 1984]),

        -       state transition diagrams (e.g., [Barrett and Couch,
                1979] and [Ward and Mellor, 1985]),

        -       Petri net graphs (e.g., [Bruno and Balsamo, 1986],
                [Ghezzi et al, 1989], and [Peterson, 1981]), and

        -       entity-relationship diagrams (e.g., [Chen, 1976]).

There are those, including this author, who believe that any graphics
chosen for object-oriented software engineering should directly
support object-oriented thinking. Examples of object-oriented thinking
can be found in, e.g., [Peterson, 1987], [Stefik and Bobrow, 1985],
and [Wegner, 1989].

As object-oriented software engineering becomes more popular, there is
a definite need for some guidance in the selection and use of
graphical techniques. At present, we have much confusion. Those most
interested in graphics for software engineering are:

        -       the software engineers themselves (and their

        -       those people who are developing object-oriented
                software engineering methodologies,

        -       anyone developing and defining software engineering
                standards, and

        -       those developing computer aided software engineering
                (CASE) tools.

It is the intention that this workshop attempt to accomplish several
tasks, i.e.:

        -       begin to identify the criteria for selecting graphics
                for object-oriented software engineering (it will be
                assumed that the concept of graphics is generally

        -       identify and justify likely candidate graphical

        -       identify the strengths and weaknesses of each
                candidate graphical technique,

        -       show any relationships among the candidate graphics,
                e.g., methods of correlation or transformation,

        -       identify useful combinations of graphical techniques,

        -       provide a few examples of how each technique can (or
                should) be used in object-oriented software

Those interested in attending this workshop should send position
papers to Edward V. Berard, Berard Software Engineering, Inc., 18620
Mateney Road, Germantown, Maryland 20874, U.S.A.. Phone contact is
available via (301) 353-9652. FAX contact is (301) 353-9272, and
e-mail is eberard@bse.com. Attendance is limited to 30 people.


[Alabiso, 1988]. B. Alabiso, "Transformation of Data Flow Analysis
Models to Object -Oriented Design," OOPSLA '88 Conference Proceedings,
Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 23, No. 11, November 1988, pp.
335 - 353.

[Barr and Feigenbaum, 1981]. A. Barr and E.A. Feigenbaum, Editors, The
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 1, HeurisTech Press,
Stanford, California, 1981.

[Barrett and Couch, 1979]. W.A. Barrett and J.D. Couch, Compiler
Construction: Theory and Practice, Science Research Associates,
Chicago, Illinois, 1979.

[Booch, 1986]. G. Booch, "Object Oriented Development," IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-12, No. 2, February
1986, pp. 211 - 221.

[Booch, 1990]. G. Booch, Object-Oriented Design, Benjamin/Cummings,
Menlo Park, California, 1990.

[Bruno and Balsamo, 1986]. G. Bruno and A. Balsamo, "Petri Net-Based
Object-Oriented Modeling of Distributed Applications," OOPSLA '86
Conference Proceedings, Special Issue of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 21, No.
11, November 1986, pp. 284 - 293.

[Buhr, 1984]. R.J.A. Buhr, System Design With Ada, Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1984.

[Chen, 1976]. P.P-S Chen, "The Entity-Relationship Model -- Toward a
Unified View of Data," Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 1, No.
1, March 1976, pp. 9 - 36.

[Coad and Yourdon, 1989]. P. Coad and E. Yourdon, OOA --
Object-Oriented Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,

[Cunningham and Beck, 1986]. W. Cunningham and K. Beck, "A Diagram for
Object-Oriented Programs," OOPSLA '86 Conference Proceedings, Special
Issue of SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 21, No. 11, pp. 361 - 367.

[Ghezzi et al, 1989]. C. Ghezzi, D. Mandrioli, S. Morasca, and M.
Pezze, "A General Way to Put Time in Petri Nets," Proceedings of the
Fifth International Workshop On Software Specification and Design, May
19-20, 1989, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, IEEE Computer Society Press,
Washington, D.C., May 1989, pp. 60 - 67.

[Gray, 1987]. L. Gray, "Procedures for Transitioning from Structured
Methods to Object-Oriented Design," Proceedings of the Conference
on Methodologies and Tools for Real-Time Systems IV, National
Institute for Software Quality and Productivity, Washington, D.C.,
September 14-15 1987, pp. R-1 to R-21.

[Gray, 1988]. L. Gray, "Transitioning from Structured Analysis to
Object-Oriented Design," Proceedings of the Fifth Washington Ada
Symposium, June 27 - 30, 1988, Association for Computing Machinery,
New York, New York, 1988, pp. 151 - 162.

[Heitz and Labreuille, 1988]. M. Heitz and B. Labreuille, "Design and
Development of Distributed Software Using Hierarchical Object Oriented
Design and Ada," in Ada In Industry: Proceedings of the Ada-Europe
International Conference Munich 7-9 June, 1988, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1988, pp. 143 - 156.

[Janlert, 1988]. L.E. Janlert, "Pictorial Knowledge Representation,"
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
1988, Munich, August 1988, pp. 149 - 151.

[Loomis et al, 1987]. M.E.S. Loomis, A.V. Shaw, and J.E. Raumbaugh,
"An Object Modeling Technique for Conceptual Design," Proceedings of
ECOOP '87: European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming,
Springer Verlag, New York, New York, 1987, pp. 192 - 202.

[Peterson, 1981]. J.L. Peterson, Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of
Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.

[Peterson, 1987]. G.E. Peterson, Tutorial: Object-Oriented Computing,
Volume 1: Concepts, IEEE Catalog Number EH0257-6, IEEE Computer
Society Press, Washington, D.C., 1987.

[Pun and Winder, 1989]. W.W.Y. Pun and R.L. Winder, "A Design Method
for Object-Oriented Programming," ECOOP '89: Proceedings of the
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, British Computer
Society Workshop Series, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 1989, pp. 225 - 240.

[Reed and Bynum, 1989]. G.P. Reed and Donald E. Bynum, "Analyzing
Systems for Object-Oriented Design," Proceedings of the Sixth
Washington Ada Symposium, June 26-29, 1989, pp. 195 - 200.

[Shlaer and Mellor, 1988]. S. Shlaer and S.J. Mellor, Object-Oriented
Systems Analysis: Modeling the World In Data, Yourdon Press:
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988.

[Sowa, 1984]. J.F. Sowa, Conceptual Structures: Information Processing
in Mind and Machine, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1984.

[Stark and Seidewitz, 1987]. M. Stark and E.V. Seidewitz, "Towards a
General Object-Oriented Ada Life-Cycle," Proceedings of the Joint Ada
Conference, Fifth National Conference on Ada Technology and Washington
Ada Symposium, U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, Fort
Monmouth, New Jersey, pp. 213 - 222.

[Stefik and Bobrow, 1985]. M. Stefik and D.G. Bobrow, "Object-Oriented
Programming: Themes and Variations," The AI Magazine, 1985, pp. 40 -

[Vielcanet, 1989]. P. Vielcanet, "HOOD Design Method and
Control/Command Techniques for the Development of Realtime Software,"
Proceedings of the Sixth Washington Ada Symposium, June 26-29, 1989,
pp. 213 - 219.

[Ward and Mellor, 1985]. P.T. Ward and S.J. Mellor, Structured
Development for Real-Time Systems, Volumes 1-3, Yourdon Press, New
York, New York, 1985.

[Wasserman et al, 1990]. A.I. Wasserman, P. Pircher, and R.J. Muller,
"An Object-Oriented Design Notation for Software Design
Representation," IEEE Computer, Vol. 23, No. 3, March 1990, pp. 50 -

[Wegner, 1989]. P. Wegner, "Learning the Language," Byte, Vol. 14, No.
3, March 1989, pp. 245 - 253.
Edward V. Berard                                | Phone: (301) 353-9652
Berard Software Engineering, Inc.               | FAX:   (301) 353-9272
18620 Mateney Road                              | E-Mail: eberard@bse.com
Germantown, Maryland 20874                      | 