[comp.object] Extended OO languages Request ....

jberger@asterix.drev.dnd.ca (Jean Berger) (11/10/90)

	Dear folks, I am actually in the process to specify a software
	architecture that will support:

	- OO approach
	- Embeddable inference toolkit (that is we can add in the application
	  program local Expert task module possibly calling procedures/fctns)
	- Support process concurrency (like Ada for example)

	Does anyoone can give me any pointers on languages & embeddable inference
	toolkit available meeting those requirements ?

	Ada is well-suited for concurrency but very few commercially software
	products are available (MeriTool) as embeddable inference toolkit (even
	though Ada is not purely OO).

 -- Great Minds Think Alike
jean berger Eng.                       Defence Research Establishment
                                       Command and Control Division
                                       Combat System Section
                                       C.P. 8800 Courcelette, Quebec
                                       G0A - 1R0
PHONE: (418) 844-4645
FAX:   (418) 844-4538

E-MAIL: ARPA:  jeanb@quebec.drev.dnd.ca