mjl@cs.rit.edu (11/10/90)
Those interested in the relative merits of separating implementation reuse and behavioral reuse should read the paper "A Parallel Object-Oriented Language with Inheritance and Subtyping" by Pierre America and Frak van der Linden that was presented a couple of weeks back at OOPSLA/ECOOP '90 in Ottawa. In it, they discuss POOL, a parallel object oriented language. Little in the paper is on parallelism: Instead, they concentrate on separation of the CLASS inheritance hierarchy for reuse and the type hierarchy for behavior, and the way these two relate and interact in POOL. The ideas are intriguing, to say the least (to say more might start up a flame war :-). I suspect the ideas will be more favorably received by Prof. Johnson than by Dr. Meyer, but you never can tell. --------- Mike Lutz Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY 14623-0887 mjl@cs.rit.edu