korson@delft..cs.clemson.edu (Timothy Korson) (12/21/90)
TOOLS U.S.A. `91 Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION Santa Barbara, California, July 29-August 1, 1991 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Program Co-Chairs: Tim Korson and Vijay Vaishnavi Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer In just two years, TOOLS has established itself as the major international forum devoted to the practical applications of object-oriented technology. TOOLS 1, 2, 3 and 4, held in Europe (Paris) and the Pacific (Sydney) have set a unique standard based on the following principles: o Strong emphasis on the practice of object-oriented technology and its application in industrial environments, complementing the more academically- oriented perspective of traditional conferences. o Solid technical program archived in the refereed proceedings. o Balanced coverage of the wealth of approaches, trends and variants which exists in the object- oriented community. o Combination of tutorials by recognized experts, up-to-date exhibitions of products and services, invited talks by innovators in the field, relevant panel discussions, and technical papers targeted to industry practictioners. o Allocated time for discussions, user group meetings, technical workshops, and working group sessions. TOOLS 5 will be held from July 29 to August 2 in Santa Bar- bara (California) which is home to many high-tech industries and the University of California, Santa Barbara, one of the nine campuses of the UC system. SUBMITTING A PAPER ------------------ TOOLS U.S.A. `91 is now soliciting papers on all aspects of object-oriented technology. All submitted papers will be refereed and judged not only according to standards of technical quality, but on their usefulness to practictioners and applied researchers. A non-exhaustive list of suggested topics includes: o Object-oriented analysis and design. o Management and training issues. o Reports of actual experiences with object-oriented technology including object-oriented databases. o Empirical and field studies. o Reuse and library issues. TOOLS 5 will feature a special track on object-oriented modeling and management. This track will include workshop(s), tutorials, panel discussions, and featured speakers. Technical papers in this area are expressly sought. If you intend to submit a paper, check the appropriate box on the coupon below to receive a copy of the Guidelines for Authors. Papers should be in the range of 8 to 15 single- spaced pages. Six copies of each submission should be sent to: TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair ATTN: Vijay Vaishnavi Department of Computer Information Systems Georgia State University P.O. Box 4015 Atlanta, GA. 30302-4015 Phone (404) 651-3880 FAX (404) 651-2804 Email:CISVKV@GSUVM1.BITNET IMPORTANT DATES --------------- All submissions must be received by February 15, 1990 to be considered for inclusion in the conference. Submissions should be in English. Notification of acceptance will be mailed by April 1; final manuscripts will be due June 1. THE INTERNATIONAL OBJECT-ORIENTED WEEK -------------------------------------- Friday, August 2 has been set aside for independently organ- ized events, such as User Group meetings or standardization committees. The TOOLS U.S.A. `91 organizers will help coor- dinate such events if they fall within the scope of object- oriented techniques, and will include the announcements in the final TOOLS program. If you are interested in setting up such a meeting, please contact the conference chair for details at: TOOLS U.S.A. `91 Conference Chair ATTN: Bertrand Meyer Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. 270 Storke Road, Suite 7 Goleta, CA 93117 USA Telephone (805) 685-1006, Fax (805) 685-6869 Proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials are also soli- cited and should be sent to: TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair ATTN: Tim Korson Department of Computer Science Clemson University Clemson, S.C. 29634-1906 Phone (803) 656-5866 FAX (803) 656-0145 Email: korson@cs.clemson.edu For more information, send the following to the conference chair: bertrand@eiffel.com Name and Address (Please type, or attach business card): Name___________________________________________________ Company Name___________________________________________ Company address________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Phone____________________________FAX___________________ Email__________________________________________________ Check the following: ___Please send me subsequent announcements relative to TOOLS U.S.A. `91 ___I wish to submit a paper. Please send me the guidelines for prospective authors. Title:_____________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ___My company is interested in exhibiting. Please send me exhibitor information. ___I would like to purchase the proceedings of: ___TOOLS `89 ___TOOLS `90 ___Tools Pacific `90