[comp.object] TOOLS USA'91 - Call for Papers

korson@delft..cs.clemson.edu (Timothy Korson) (12/21/90)

                      TOOLS U.S.A. `91
    Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems
     Santa Barbara, California, July 29-August 1, 1991

     Program Co-Chairs: Tim Korson and Vijay Vaishnavi
              Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer

In just two years, TOOLS has established itself as the major
international forum devoted to the practical applications of
object-oriented technology. TOOLS 1, 2, 3  and  4,  held  in
Europe  (Paris)  and  the Pacific (Sydney) have set a unique
standard based on the following principles:

  o  Strong emphasis on the practice of object-oriented
     technology and its application in industrial
     environments, complementing the more academically-
     oriented perspective of traditional conferences.
  o  Solid technical program archived in the refereed
  o  Balanced coverage of the wealth of approaches,
     trends and variants which exists in the object-
     oriented community.
  o  Combination of tutorials by recognized experts,
     up-to-date exhibitions of products and services,
     invited talks by innovators in the field, relevant
     panel discussions, and technical papers targeted to
     industry practictioners.
  o  Allocated time for discussions, user group meetings,
     technical workshops, and working group sessions.

TOOLS 5 will be held from July 29 to August 2 in Santa  Bar-
bara (California) which is home to many high-tech industries
and the University of California, Santa Barbara, one of  the
nine campuses of the UC system.


TOOLS U.S.A. `91 is now soliciting papers on all aspects  of
object-oriented  technology.  All  submitted  papers will be
refereed and judged  not  only  according  to  standards  of
technical quality, but on their usefulness to practictioners
and applied researchers. A non-exhaustive list of  suggested
topics includes:

  o  Object-oriented analysis and design.
  o  Management and training issues.
  o  Reports of actual experiences with object-oriented
     technology including object-oriented databases.
  o  Empirical and field studies.
  o  Reuse and library issues.

TOOLS 5 will feature  a  special  track  on  object-oriented
modeling   and   management.   This   track   will   include
workshop(s),  tutorials,  panel  discussions,  and  featured
speakers.  Technical  papers  in  this  area  are  expressly

If you intend to submit a paper, check the  appropriate  box
on  the coupon below to receive a copy of the Guidelines for
Authors. Papers should be in the range of 8  to  15  single-
spaced  pages.  Six copies of each submission should be sent

     TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair
     ATTN: Vijay Vaishnavi
     Department of Computer Information Systems
     Georgia State University
     P.O. Box 4015
     Atlanta, GA. 30302-4015
     Phone (404) 651-3880 FAX (404) 651-2804


All submissions must be received by February 15, 1990 to  be
considered  for  inclusion  in  the  conference. Submissions
should be in English. Notification  of  acceptance  will  be
mailed by April 1; final manuscripts will be due June 1.


Friday, August 2 has been set aside for independently organ-
ized  events, such as User Group meetings or standardization
committees. The TOOLS U.S.A. `91 organizers will help  coor-
dinate  such events if they fall within the scope of object-
oriented techniques, and will include the  announcements  in
the final TOOLS program. If you are interested in setting up
such a meeting, please  contact  the  conference  chair  for
details at:

     TOOLS U.S.A. `91 Conference Chair
     ATTN: Bertrand Meyer
     Interactive Software Engineering, Inc.
     270 Storke Road, Suite 7
     Goleta, CA 93117 USA
     Telephone (805) 685-1006, Fax (805) 685-6869

Proposals for panels, workshops and tutorials are also soli-
cited and should be sent to:

     TOOLS U.S.A. Program Co-Chair
     ATTN: Tim Korson
     Department of Computer Science
     Clemson University
     Clemson, S.C. 29634-1906
     Phone (803) 656-5866 FAX (803) 656-0145
     Email: korson@cs.clemson.edu

For more information, send the following to the conference chair:

Name and Address (Please type, or attach business card):
     Company Name___________________________________________
     Company address________________________________________

Check the following:
     ___Please send me subsequent announcements relative to
        TOOLS U.S.A. `91
     ___I wish to submit a paper. Please send me the guidelines
        for prospective authors. Title:_____________________
     ___My company is interested in exhibiting. Please send me
        exhibitor information.
     ___I would like to purchase the proceedings of:
          ___TOOLS `89   ___TOOLS `90   ___Tools Pacific `90