rds@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Rowan David Stevens) (01/17/91)
Hi all! I would like to speak to any researcher/developer who is working on any design methods for object-oriented programming (ie. OOD). Or if anyone out in OO-world has come across any good articles on DESIGN and the OBJECT-ORIENTED paradigm. I am very interested in notation, steps, etc. to achieve an object-oriented design and any diagramming tools provided to achieve this. Esp. any formal work on design and the OO-paradigm. Thanks in advance! Rowan Stevens. ps: here is a list of design & oo-paradigm references that I have come across. Abbott, R. "Program design by informal English descriptions". CACM v26 #11 Alabiso, B. "Transformation of Data Flow Analysis Models to Object-Oriented Design". OOPSLA '88 proceedings. Bear, S. & Allen, P. & Coleman, D. & Hayes, F. "Graphical Specification of Object-Oriented Systems". OOPSLA'90 proceedings. Booch, G. "Object-Oriented Development". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. FEB '86. Booch, G. Software Engineering with ADA. 1986 Software Components with ADA. 1987 Booch, G. & Vilot, M. "The design of C++ Booch Components". OOPSLA '90 proc. Coad, P. & Yourdon, E. Object-Oriented Analysis. Yourdon Press, 1990. Cunningham, W. & Beck, K. "A diagram for object-oriented programs". OOPSLA '86. Sigplan notices. ACM vol21 #11. Nov '86. Gossain, S. & Anderson, B. "An iterative design model for reusable object-oriented software". OOPSLA '90 proceedings. Hemenway, J. "Object-oriented design manages software complexity". EDN, August 19, 1981. Heitz, M. & Labreuille, B. "Design and Development of Distributed Software using Heirarchical Object-Oriented Design and ADA". Proc of the Eupore-ADA Int'l Conference. Munuch, June '88. Hill, R. "Object-Oriented Design in Ada: A Transformational Approach based on Object-Oriented Analysis"; a paper from Project Technology, Inc. 2560 Ninth Street, Suite 214. Berkeley, CA 94710. March, 1990. Johnson, R. "Designing reusable classes". Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. vol1 #1, June/July '88. Kiem, E. "The KEYSTONE System Design Methodology". Ada Letters, July/Aug '89. Kim, W. & Lochovsky, F.H. Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases and Applications. ACM Press, NY 1989. Lieberherr, K. & Riel, A. "Contributions to Teaching Object-Oriented Design and Programming". OOPSLA '89 Proceedings. Loy, P. "A Comparison of Object-Oriented and Structured Development Methods". ACM Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes, vol15 #1. Jan 1990. Meyer, B. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice-Hall, 1988. Meyer, B. "Reusability: The CASE for Object-Oriented Design". IEEE Software March '87. Pressmen, R. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. 2nd Edition, '87 Pun, W. & Winder, R. "A design method for Object-Oriented Programming". Proc. 3rd Euporean Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. July 89. Riddle, W. & Wileden, J. & Sayler, J. & Segal, A, & Stavely, A. "Behavior Modeling During Software Design". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol SE-4. #4. July '78. Rosson, M. & Gold, E. "Problem-Solution Mapping in Object-Oriented Design" OOPSLA '89 Proceedings. k Seidewitz, E. & Stark, M. "Towards and General Object-Oriented Software Development Methodology". Proc. of the 1st Int'l Conference on Ada Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station, 1986. Sincover, R.F. & Wiener, R.S. "Modular Software Construction and Object-Oriented Design using ADA". Journal of Pascal, Ada, and Modula-2. Mar/Apr '84. Sommerville, I. Software Engineering (3rd Edition). Addison-Wesley 1989. Temte, M. "Object-Oriented Design and Ballistics Software". ACM Ada Letters, Nov/Dec '84. Wasserman, A. "Concepts of Object-Oriented Structured Design"; a paper from Interactive Development Environments. Inc. 595 Market Street, 12th Floor, San Francisco, CA. 94105. Wasserman, A. & Pircher, P. "Object-Oriented Structured Design and C++"; a paper submitted to Computer Language (from Interactive Development Environments). Wasserman, A. & Pircher, P. & Muller, R. "The Object-Oriented Structured Design Notation for Software Design Representation". IEEE Computer, Mar 90. Wirfs-Brock, R. & Wilkerson, B. "Object-Oriented Design: A Responsibility Driven Approach". OPPSLA '89 proceedings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rowan Stevens ACSNET: rds@goanna.cs.rmit.OZ.AU RMIT Department of Computer Science UUCP: ...!uunet!goanna.oz.au!rds GPO BOX 2476V Melbourne 3001, AUSTRALIA. Phone: +61 3 660 2348 FAX: +61 3 662 1617 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------