B.J.King@newcastle.ac.uk (Brian King) (02/07/91)
The pros and cons of multiple over single inheritance have been debated long and hard. (Though I have not seen this subject raise its head for a few months now). Many OOPLs are now going towards multiple inheritance; my questions :- i. Are there any standard refs (aka Wegner, Stefik etc), that detail any strategies that have been attempted in resolving conflict in multiple inheritance. (ie my superclasses, either immediate or remote, have an identically named attribute or method, how does my run-time system choose between them). ii. What conflict resolution strategies are used within existing OOPLs? I'll summarise if there is sufficient interest. Regards Brian -- Brian J. King | Voice: +44 91 222 6000 ext 8558 Fax: +44 91 261 1182 Engineering Design Centre | JANET: B.J.King@uk.ac.ncl The University | Internet:B.J.King%newcastle.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK | UUCP : B.J.King%newcastle.ac.uk@ukc.uucp -- Brian J. King | Voice: +44 91 222 6000 ext 8558 Fax: +44 91 261 1182 Engineering Design Centre | JANET: B.J.King@uk.ac.ncl The University | Internet:B.J.King%newcastle.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU UK | UUCP : B.J.King%newcastle.ac.uk@ukc.uucp