(Lance C Norskog) (03/03/91)
The following is my attempt at a graphics programming language. This is not really an object-oriented programming language, but is instead an object-oriented simulation system. You describe a 3D scene with spheres, polyhedra, etc. and the responses of these items to user input. I originally designed it as a primitive functional programming language, but then I finally got around to learning OO and realized that it should be OO. I'm a fanatic about zen simplicity, and switching to OO got rid of various annoying features, like types. I took a whack at C++ and decided that it's a hopeless mess. I've started learning Smalltalk, and since I don't know any better the OO model I'm using is Smalltalk-flavored. I.e. it's tree-shaped with single inheritance. The jargon flies thick here on comp.object, but I generally understand it. I'd appreciate it if you OO experts would take a look at it and tell me whether I'm at least on the right track, or point me at the right OO model for this application. -------------------------------------------- 5D is a scene specification language for 3D real-time graphics. It is the basis of a 3D real-time networked window system. It can present static graphics scenes for examination, and can implement the real-time graphics interface for application programs running on other machines. 5D contains network interaction commands, and communicates with applications and other 5D viewers. 5D is intended as a powerful base language for multimedia, Virtual Reality, & Cyberspace applications. Its also intended as a base for building a desktop computing environment such as Xerox Parc's Information Visualizer (Byte Magazine, February 1991). The fundamental paradigm is object-oriented expressive programming: a lattice, or directed acyclic graph, of arithmetic operations feeds a set of graphics primitives with numerical information. The lattice is a dataflow network which supplies position, speed, and other information to spheres, cubes, etc. Every screen redraw (perhaps 1/10 of a second) the lattice is completely traversed and graphics objects are drawn at their new position. This is the basic concept of the system; there are extensions for sound I/O, network communication, and various input devices. As a scene specification language, it does not have procedural programming constructs. The programmer does not say, "do this, do that, maybe do the other". Instead, the language contains descriptions of things. A sound channel simply exists, has a quality to it, and a volume parameter. The arithmetic lattice may supply the volume parameter with a value derived from the sound's distance from the user in the 3D scene. For the rest of this discussion, for simplicity we will just talk about the screen update phase. During the screen refresh cycle described above, the language may not contain constructs which require an unpredictable amount of time. Thus, very high-level language concepts like actors, object messaging, dynamic instantiation, etc. can not be used. The lattice is limited to formulae with bounded execution time. During program start-up, the 5D system reads in the scene description, processes the language into the arithmetic lattice which feeds the screen, and starts running the screen. 5D uses trees and inheritance. All items in the scene are arranged in a tree. Nodes of the tree may be visual objects, sound channels, or communication endpoints, and the subtrees of these nodes are arithetic function trees. Some items possess attributes called "properties" which are inherited from above and may be changed at each level. The changed properties are inherited by children of the changer. 5D is object-oriented. Objects are macro definitions for the contents of the arithmetic lattice. The lattice is derived from object descriptions in a preprocessing phase. The object system is tree-shaped. A class derives from a parent class, and may add new operators or override operator definitions of the parent class. The core object set consists of those language elements which must be implemented by built-in software. The main object, Object, has object-ness but nothing else; in short, it is just there. The Number object subclasses off of Object, and contains a real number. It also contains a set of "templates": arithmetic addition is defined by the tree template template Number plus(Number, Number) which merely says that the value of the plus operator on two Numbers is a Number. Thus, plus(Number, plus(Number, Number)) is covered by two applications of the above template. The Point object contains the template template Point multiply(Number, Point) which, of course, multiplies a scalar by a vector to get a vector. The templates provide definitions of what operators an object implements; in programmer-defined objects they are accompanied by function trees referencing other objects. For example, an abridged object definition for complex numbers: define object Complex superclass Object public Number real, imag template Complex plus(Complex, Complex) assign(real, plus(input1.real, input2.real)) assign(imag, plus(input1.imag, input2.imag)) template Complex assign(Complex, Complex) assign(input1.real, input2.real) assign(input1.imag, input2.imag) The Complex object contains two numbers, and implements complex arithmetic. Complex subclasses from Object instead of Number because since it is two numbers, the rules for one number can't apply to it. (The assign statements use the Pascal-ish method of returning values.) The 5D system generates an arithmetic tree of core objects working from the template patterns in user-defined objects in an iterative rewrite algorithm. Thus, Complex C1, C2, C3 assign(C3, plus(C1, C2)) generates the arithmetic expressions assign(C3.real, plus(C1.real, C2.real)) assign(C3.imag, plus(C1.imag, C2.imag)) The intermediate plus(C1, C2) node conceptually exists as a Complex object momentarily for the purposes of the rewriting phase. The template facility is a powerful context-sensitive device for describing the use of an object. A template may refer to an invocation of itself in the middle of a tree and replace the whole tree with a new function. The above classes only implement arithmetic operations. The Drawable class possesses visual properties such as color and position. The position property is a Point. The color property is a Point in RGB color space. A property may be an object, or a arithmetic tree of objects, if those objects have no properties. The Triangle is a built-in object subclassed off of Drawable. It consists of three Points. Each Point is, course, three Numbers. Thus a Triangle may have nine arithmetic trees underneath it, and constantly change shape as those subtrees change value. A 3D modelling program might use this to rubber-band changes in a 3D shape in response to numerical input devices.