rds@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au (Rowan David Stevens) (03/17/91)
Below is a list of object-oriented design references which I have been collecting over the past 3 months. Material summarised below is from an earlier response requesting information on Object-Oriented Design methods. Thanks to those who replied! By the way if anyone has a copy of articles listed with a '*' below I would appreciate a copy. Also any errors or major ommissions please respond immediately. rds WARNING: A VERY LONG LIST FOLLOWS, ^C IF NOT INTERESTED! ________________________________ Object-Oriented Design References Abbott, R. (1983) "Program Design by Informal English Descriptions", Communications of the ACM vol. 26 (11) Abbott, R (1987) "Knowledge Abstraction", Communications of the ACM vol. 30 (8) pp 664-671 Alabiso, B. (1988) "Transformation of Data Flow Analysis Models to Object-Oriented Design", OOPSLA '88 proceedings. pp 335-353 Alrebdawi, G. & Skubich, J. & Martinez, Y. (1988) "Supporting tool for Object-Oriented Design of real-time applications", IFAC Real Time Programming, Spain. pp 29-33 Beck, K. & Cunningham, W. (1989) "A Laboratory for Teaching Object-Oriented Thinking", OOPSLA'89 proceedings. pp 1-6 Berard, E. (1990) Assorted Postings to International News Network. *Berard, E (1986) An Object-Oriented Design Handbook. Rockville, MD: EVB Software Engineering. Blaha, M. & Premerlani, W. & Rumbaugh, J. (1988) "Relational Database Design using an Object-Oriented Methodology", Communications of the ACM vol. 31 (4) pp 414-427 Booch, G. (1986) "Object-Oriented Development", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 12 (2) pp 211-221 *Booch, G. "What is and isn't Object-Oriented Design", American Programmer vol. 2 (7-8) Booch, G. (1990) Tutorial 1: Object-Oriented Design. OOPSLA '90 conference tutorial, Ottawa Canada. Booch, G. (1991). Object-Oriented Design with Applications. Benjamin/Cummings. Bruno, G. & Balsamo, A. (1986) "Petri Net-Based Object-Oriented Modelling of Distributed Systems", OOPSLA'86 proceedings. pp 284-293. Buhr, R. & Karam, G. & Hayes, C. & Woodside, C. (1989) "Software CAD: A Revolutionary Approach", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 15 (3) pp 235-249 Buhr, R. (1990) Tutorial 15: Practical Visual Techniques in Object-Oriented Design of Real-Time Systems. OOPSLA '90 conference tutorial, Ottawa Canada. *Bulman, D. (1989) "An Object-Based Development Model", Computer Language vol. 6 (8) pp 49-59 *Bulman, D. (1989) "Objects don't replace Design", Computer Language vol. 6 (8) pp 151-152 Cherry, G. Pamela Designer's Handbook. Volume 2: Figures & Graphs. *Cherry, G, (1990) Software Construction by Object-Oriented Pictures: Specifying Reactive & Interactive Systems. Thought**Tools, Inc. Canandaigua, NY. Chikofsky, E. & Cross, J. (1990) "Reverse Engineering and Design Recovery: A Taxonomy", IEEE Software Jan 1990. pp 13-17 *Clark, R. (1987) "Designing Concurrent Objects", Ada Letters vol. 7 (6) *Colbert, E. (1989) "The Object-Oriented Software Development Method: A practical approach to Object-Oriented Development", Proceedings of TRI-ADA '89 - Technology in Context: Application, Development and Deployment. Oct '89. ACM press: NY. pp 400-415 Cox, B. (1987) Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach. Addison-Wesley. Cunningham, W. & Beck, K. (1986) "A Diagram for Object-Oriented Programs", OOPSLA '86 proceedings. pp 361-367 Foley, J. & Kim, W. & Kovacevic, S. & Murray, K. (1989) "Defining Interfaces at a High Level of Abstraction", IEEE Software January. pp 25-32 *Gane, C. (1989) "Object-Oriented Data/Process Modeling", American Programmer vol. 2 (7-8) Giddings, R. (1984) "Accommodating Uncertainty in Software Design", Communications of the ACM vol. 27 (5) Gomaa, H. (1984) "A Software Design Method for Real-Time Systems", Communications of the ACM vol. 27 (9) *Gray, L. (1988) "Transitioning from Structured Analysis to Object-Oriented Design", Proceedings of the 5th Washington ADA Symposium, June 27-30. ACM press, NY. pp 151-162 Harel, D. (1988) "On Visual Formalisms", Communications of the ACM vol. 31 (5) pp 514-530 Heitz, M. & Labreuille, B. (1988) "Design and Development of Distributed Software Using Hierarchical Object-Oriented Design and ADA", Proceedings of the European-ADA International Conference. Munich 7-9 June. pp 143-156 Hill, R. (1990) "Object-Oriented Design in ADA: A Transformational Approach Based on Object-Oriented Analysis", Project Technology publication. 2560 9th Street, Suite 214. Berkeley, CA 94710. *Hruschka, P. (1990) "Towards an Object-Oriented Method for System Architecture Design", In Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering - EuroComp '90. Tel-Aviv, Israel. May 8-10. pp 12-17 Ingalls, D. (1981) "Design Principles behind Smalltalk", BYTE vol. 6 (8) pp 286-298 *Jackson, M. (1989) "Object-Oriented Software", American Programmer vol. 2 (7-8) Jalote, P. (1989) "Functional Refinement and Nested Objects for Object-Oriented Design", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 15 (3) pp 264-270 *Johnson, R. & Foote, B. (1988) "Designing Reusable Classes", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming vol. 1 (2) pp 22-31 *Khalsa, G. (1989) "Using Object Modeling to Transform Structured Analysis into Object-Oriented Design", Proceedings 6th Washington ADA Symposium, June '89. pp 201-212 Kiem, E. (1989) "The KEYSTONE System Design Methodology", ADA Letters vol. 9 (5) pp 101-107 Kilian, M. (1990) "Trellis: Turning Designs into Programs", Communications of the ACM vol. 33 (9) pp 65- 67 Kleyn, M. & Gingrich, P. (1988) "GraphTrace - Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Using Concurrently Animated Views", SIGPLAN Notices vol. 23 (11) pp 157- Ladden, R. (1989) "A Survey of Issues to be Considered in the Development of an Object-Oriented Development Methodology for ADA", SIGSOFT Notices vol. 13 (3) pp 24-31 Lieberherr, K. & Holland, I. & Riel, A. (1988) "Object-Oriented Programming: An Objective Sense of Style", OOPSLA '88 Proceedings pp 323- 334 Lieberherr, K. & Holland, I. (1989) "Formulations and Benefits of the Law of Demeter", SIGPLAN Notices vol. 24 (3) pp 67-78 Lieberherr, K. & Holland, I. (1989) "Assuring Good Style for Object-Oriented Programs", IEEE Software September. pp 39-48 Lieberherr, K. & Riel, A. (1989) "Contributions to Teaching Object-Oriented Design and Programming", OOPSLA '89 proceedings. pp 11-22 Loomis, M. & Shah, A. & Rumbaugh, J. (1987) "An Object Modelling Technique for Conceptual Design", Proceedings of ECOOP '87. pp 192-202 Markowitz, V. & Makowsky, J. (1990) "Identifying Extended Entity-Relationship Object Structures in Relational Schemas", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering vol. 16 (8) pp 777-790 Masiero, P. & Germano, F. (1988) "JSD As an Object-Oriented Design Method", SIGSOFT notes vol. 13 (3) *McIntyre, S. & Higgins, L. (1988) "Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design: Methodology and Application", Journal of Management Information Systems vol. 5 (1) pp 25-35 Meyer, B. (1987) "Reusability: The Case for Object-Oriented Design", IEEE Software March. pp 50-64 *Meyer, B (1989) "From Structured Programming to Object-Oriented Design: The Road to Eiffel", Structured Programming vol. 10 (1) *Mrdalj, S. (1990) "Structured Object-Oriented Information System Design", In Proceedings of the IAMM'90 conference, Dallas, TX. March 30-April 1. pp 64-72 *Mullen, M. (1989) Object-Oriented Program Design. Addison-Wesley. Muller, H. & Klashinsky, K. (1988) "Rigi - A system for Programming-in-the-large", IEEE pp 80-85 Nielsen, K. & Shumate, K. (1987) "Designing Large Real-time Systems with ADA", Communications of the ACM vol. 30 (8) pp 695-715 Ng, P. & Yeh, R. (1990) Modern Software Engineering: Foundations and Current Perspectives. Van Nostrand/Reinhold. Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, and 7. Ossher, H. (1987) "A Mechanism for Specifying the Structure of Large, Layered Systems" in Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming. eds. B. Shriver & P. Wegner. MIT Press. pp 219-252 Page-Jones, M. & Constantine, L & Weiss, S. (1990) "Modeling Object-Oriented Systems: The Uniform Object Notation", Computer Language October. pp 69-87 Potts, C. & Bruns, G. (1988) "Recording the Reasons for Design Decisions", IEEE. pp 418-427 Pressman, R. (1987) Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. 2nd Edition. McGraw/Hill International Editions. Chapters 6-10 (on Design) Pun, W. & Winder, R. (1989) "Automating Class Hierarchy Graph Construction". Research Note, University College London. Pun, W. & Winder, R. (1990) "A Design Method for Object-Oriented Programming", Research Note, University College London. An earlier version also appears in ECOOP'89 (European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming) pp 225-240. Rajlich, V. (1985) "Paradigms for Design and Implementation in ADA", Communications of the ACM vol. 28 (7) pp 718-727 Rosson, M. & Gold, E. (1989) "Problem-Solution Mapping in Object-Oriented Design", OOPSLA '89 proceedings. pp 7-10 *Reed, G. & Bynum, D. (1989) "Analyzing Systems for Object-Oriented Design", Proceedings 6th Washington ADA Symposium, June 26-29. pp 192-202 Reiss, S. (1987) "An Object-Oriented Framework for Conceptual Programming" in Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming. eds. B. Shriver & P. Wegner. MIT Press. pp 189-218 *Rine, D. (1987) "A Common Error in the Object Structure of Object-Oriented Methods", SIGSOFT notices vol. 12 (4) Rumbaugh, J. & Blaha, M. & Premerlani, W. & Eddy, F. & Lorensen, W. (1991) Object-Oriented Modeling and Design. Prentice-Hall International Editions. Sanden, B. (1989) "An Entity-Life Modeling Approach to the Design of Concurrent Software", Communications of the ACM vol. 32 (3) pp 330-343 Sanden, B. (1989) "The Case for Eclectic Design of Real-time Software", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (March) vol. 15 (3) pp 360-362 Seidewitz, E. & Stark, M. (1986) "Towards a General Object-Oriented Software Development Methodology", Proceeding of the First International Conference on ADA Programming Language Applications for the NASA Space Station. pp D.4.6.1-D.4.6.14 Shlaer, S. & Mellor, S. (1989) "Recursive Design and its Effect on the Project Life Cycle", Project Technology publication. 2560 9th Street, Suite 214. Berkeley, CA 94710. *Shumate, K. (1988) "Layered Virtual Machine/Object-Oriented Design", Proceedings of the 5th Washington ADA Symposium. June 1988. ACM press: NY. pp 177-190 Sincovec, R. & Wiener, R. (1984) "Modular Software Construction and Object-Oriented Design using ADA", Journal of Pascal, Ada & Modula-2, Mar/Apr '84. pp 29-34 Somerville, I. (1989) Software Engineering. 3rd Edition. Addison-Wesley. Selections from Part 2 (Software Design) Strohmeier, A. & Jean, C. (1990) "An Experience in teaching OOD for Ada Software", SIGSOFT vol. 15 (5) pp 44-49 *Strom, R. (1986) "A Comparison of the Object-Oriented and Process Paradigms", SIGPLAN notices vol. 21 (10) Tempelmeier, T. (1988) "The creative step in Designing real-time software", IFAC Real Time Programming, Spain. pp 15- 20 Temte, M. (1984) "Object-Oriented Design and Ballistics Software", ACM Ada Letters vol. 4 (3) pp 25-36. *Thomas, D. (1989) "In Search of an Object-Oriented Development Process", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming vol. 2 (1) pp 61- *Vielcanet, P. (1989) "HOOD Design Method and Control/Command Techniques for the Development of Real-Time Software", Proceedings of the 6th Washington ADA Symposium, June 26-29. pp 213-219 *Ward, P. (1989) "How to Integrate Object Orientation with Structured Analysis and Design", IEEE Software vol. 6 (2) pp 74-82 *Wasserman, A, & Pircher, P. & Muller, R. (1989) "An Object-Oriented Structured Design Method for Code Generation", SIGSOFT notes vol. 14 (1) pp 32-55 Wasserman, A, & Pircher, P. & Muller, R. (1990) "The Object-Oriented Structured Design Notation for Software Design Representation", IEEE Computer vol. 23 (3) pp 50-62 Webster, D. (1988) "Mapping the Design Information Representation Terrain", IEEE Computer December pp 8-23 West, US. (1990) Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Method. US West, Inc. technical report. *Wilson, D. (1990) "Class Diagrams: A tool for Design, Documentation, and Teaching", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming vol. 2 (5) pp 38-44 Wirfs-Brock, R. & Wilkerson, B. (1989) "Object-Oriented Design: A Responsibility-Driven Approach", OOPSLA'89 proceedings. pp 71-75 Wirfs-Brock, R. & Johnson, R. (1990) "Surveying: Current Research in Object-Oriented Design", Communications of the ACM vol. 33 (9) pp 105-124 _____________ Rowan Stevens rds@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Department of Computer Science GPO BOX 2476V Melbourne, VIC. Australia 3001. Phone: +61 3 660-2348; Fax: +61 3 662-1617 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------