PORTABLE VERSION OF POOL : Parallel Object-Oriented Language IS NOW AVAILABLE In the framework of our research on Parallel Object-Oriented Computers systems (DOOM and PRISMA) we have, at Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven, designed and implemented a number of versions of the parallel object-oriented language POOL. Together with the University of Amsterdam, we have constructed a portable implementation of POOL2, called POOL2/PTC, for execution on Unix-based uniprocessor platforms. Currently, there are implementations available on Sun3 and Sun4, using SunOS 4.0.3 or later. POOL has been designed as a modern object-oriented language that facilitates the design of large programs for execution on parallel platforms, in particular the POOMA system, which has been designed and constructed at Philips Research. POOL has the following key features: * unification of object and process concepts * several message exchange primitives * excellent support for expressing parallelism * strong, safe typing * dynamic creation of objects * automatic garbage collection * a standard library for commonly used data types THE POOL2/PTC PACKAGE IS NOW AVAILABLE. The POOL2/PTC package consists of * a compiler, which compiles POOL2 programs into C and then uses the host C compiler to generate native code * a symbolic debugger, for debugging and tracing at the POOL level * a number of example programs in POOL2 * a set of documentation, consisting of the definition and programmer's guide of POOL2, as well as installation and user manuals of the POOL2/PTC system. Free-of-charge licences can be obtained from the address below for non-commercial purposes. After receipt of a signed licence form and a Sun 1/4" cartridge we will supply you with the package. The POOL2/PTC language definition is fully compatible with the implementation on the POOMA 100 node system, which is operational at Philips Research Laboratories. In specific cases, performance analysis and evaluation of your POOL2 programs can be supported by execution on the POOMA system. The address below can be contacted for making arrangements. This distribution is performed with support from the Commission of the European Communities. Contact Address: F. Stoots Project Officer Information and Software Technology Philips Research Laboratories P.O.Box 80.000 5600 JA Eindhoven The Netherlands tel : +31-40-743380 fax : +31-40-744758 e-mail: "One of the great difficulties in implementing efficient communication is that it is more of a black art than science" (A. Tannenbaum and R. van Renesse, Comp Surv, Vol 17, no 4, p431) -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell