[comp.object] CFP: Workshop on Foundations of Data and Object Bases

jungclau@infbs.UUCP (Ralf Jungclaus) (04/16/91)

		          CALL FOR PAPERS

	GI-Arbeitskreis  "Grundlagen von Informationssystemen"
	European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (requested)

		    3rd International Workshop on


		Aigen (Austria), September 23-27, 1991

The third International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for
Data and Objects will be held at Aigen (Austria) in the week of September
23-27, 1991. This workshop series is intended to bring together
researchers working on the foundations of database systems. The workshop
timetable with (usually) one hour slots for long presentations and extensive
time left for discussions offers an opportunity for in-depth exchange of
ideas and experiences. The 1991 workshop is intended to focus around the
following main topics: 

* Logical Foundations of Deductive Data and Object Bases:

  Rule-Based Languages for Data and Object Models, Fixpoint and
  Model-Oriented Semantics, Foundations for Non-Monotonic Concepts, Logical
  Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Concepts.

* Dynamic Aspects of Object Bases:

  Temporal Evolution of Objects, Transaction Semantics, Formal Framework for
  Methods, Active Objects, Schema Evolution.
* Languages and Models for Data and Objects:

  Foundations of Enhanced Data Models, Design Methods and Criteria for
  Conceptual and Internal Schemata, Theoretical Foundation and Design of
  Query and Transaction Languages for Data and Object Models, Implementation
  and Optimization Methods for these Languages. 

Besides the talks special topics may be discussed within working groups during
the workshop week.

Authors are invited to submit papers describing recent projects, or
proposals for working groups, with expected points to be discussed and
references to relevant literature.

Every participant will have to make a contribution which will be either a
regular talk, a short presentation, or the organization of a working group.
The papers will be published in a proceedings (as an Informatik-Bericht of
the TU Clausthal). The proceedings will be available at the workshop. 


Abstract (5 to 10 pages for long presentations, 1 to
2 pages for short presentations or working group
proposals; 4 copies): 					May 15, 1991

Notification of acceptance and official invitation:  	June 30, 1991

Registration before: 					July 31, 1991

Camera-ready copy of final version: 			August 31, 1991

Program Committee Co-Chairpersons:
	Andreas Heuer (TU Clausthal, Germany)
	Gunter Saake (TU Braunschweig, Germany)
Program Committee:
	Suad Alagic (ETF Sarajevo, Yugoslavia)
	Jose Fiadeiro (INESC Lisbon, Portugal)
	Stephane Grumbach (INRIA Le Chesnay, France)
	Udo Lipeck (U Hannover, Germany)
	Jan Paredaens (UI Antwerpen, Belgium)
	Marc H. Scholl (ETH Z"urich, Switzerland)
	Michael Schrefl (TU Vienna, Austria)
	Letizia Tanca (Politecnico Milano, Italy)
	Roel Wieringa (FU Amsterdam, Netherlands)

European Coordinator:

	Jan Paredaens (UI Antwerpen, Belgium)

Organization Committee:

	Jutta Goers (TU Clausthal, Germany)
	Ralf Jungclaus (TU Braunschweig, Germany)

Submit papers or working group proposals to the program committee co-chairman:

	Gunter Saake
	TU Braunschweig, Informatik, Abt. Datenbanken
	Postfach 3329,
	D-W3300 Braunschweig
	E-Mail: saake@infbs.uucp / saake@dbsinf6.bitnet
	Tel.:  ++49(0)531/391 3267, Telefax: ++49(0)531/391 4577