[fa.info-vax] V4 Print symbionts

info-vax@ucbvax.ARPA (10/30/84)

From: engvax!KVC@cit-vax

If you need to set the priority of a symbiont, that is
easily accomplished with a call to SYS$SETPRI.  Things like
I/O limits are a little more difficult since they are
set at process creation.  If you need to change a limit,
you can do that by going into kernel mode and setting the
appropriate value.  In my experience, changing things in
kernel mode is immune to minor version updates as long as
you are not doing anything REALLY screwy (like blitting
code into system space to replace some part of the OS that
might be patched, etc...).  Minor version updates don't affext
system data structures like process headers and control blocks.

Things may change between major OS revisions, but changing
something as simple as a process quota probably will require
nothing more than a reassemble or relink to get the new
value of the system symbol your using.   The data structure
probably won't change or if it does the change to your symbiont
would be minor.

Another thing you should be aware of is that the job controller
starts symbionts with really HUGE quotas...   For example,
the buffer IO byte count is 200,000 (I run with 20,000 as
the default on my system for normal processes, which is very
generous).  Open file limits are around 200, as are direct-IO
and buffered-IO.  I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I
doubt VERY much if you'd have any reason to change the quotas
and limits the job controller starts your symbiont with (at
least in V4).

	/Kevin Carosso         engvax!kvc @ CIT-VAX.ARPA
	 Hughes Aircraft Co.