(Francisco Javier Campos) (04/24/91)
HOOD (Hierarchical Object Oriented Design) is an object oriented design method focused primarily to the development of Ada code. - ORIGIN AND USE The method was developed for the European Space Agency (ESA) some four years ago. It was developed taking mainly as starting point the Booch ideas from "SW Engineering with Ada", but being much more precise and concrete in the definition of the concepts and the design process. HOOD is now *** mandatory *** for several ESA projects and is becoming an standard in Europe for Ada projects. It is the design method for big projects as COLUMBUS (The european space station program), HERMES (the european shuttle) and EFA (the European Fighter Aircraft). It is being used as well in small projects and in the research ones. - STATUS The method is a standard, that is, there are two documents that define it (HOOD Reference Manual and HOOD User Manual), and these documents are now owned and maintained by an association named HOOD Users Group (HUG). The objective and functioning of the HUG is similar to institutions like Ada groups,with the only difference that they own the method and maintain it. Of course, the HUG is always wellcoming new members. There are some working groups inside HUG, being one of them (the HTG) in charge of receiving inputs from the users and modify the method accordingly. HTG members are voted from HUG members. The current version of the method is 3.0, but version 3.1 will be released about beginning of July. - TOOLS There may be around 10 tools that support the method. I think the last one released is Teamwork (the HOOD support of Teamwork). - COURSES There are several companies (including mine) that give training about the method. My company has been working with HOOD since four years ago and is involved in both the HUG and the HTG (I am personally member of the HTG). If you want more details about any of these topics please contact me again. If you want more information about tools, courses, and the HOOD documents you can contact as well the HUG at: HUG Administration CRI A/S Bregneroedvej 144 DK-3460 Birkeroed Attn: Finn Hass DENMARK Javier Campos Ph. +34 1 8072100 GMV, S.A. Fax +34 1 8072199 C/ Isaac Newton, s/n Telex 48487 GMEV E TRES CANTOS -COLMENAR VIEJO 28760 MADRID SPAIN uunet!mcsun!!jcampos