[uk.announce] LOPSTR'91 workshop - call for participation

timc@cs.man.ac.uk (Tim Clement) (01/07/91)

                  LOPSTR 91

        Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis 
               and Transformation

             University of Manchester
                 4-5 July 1991

              Call for Participation

The Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation (LOPSTR 91), 
sponsored by ALP UK, the UK branch of the Association for Logic Programming, 
will be held on 4-5 July 1991 at Dalton-Ellis Hall, University of Manchester, 

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers active in
the area of logic program synthesis and transformation.  This is to be 
interpreted broadly: we do not restrict logic to Horn clause or first 
order logic, and by synthesis we mean any method of program construction; 
nor do we limit ourselves to particular approaches to program transformation.

There will be no formal submission of papers, etc., but we encourage 
participants to give talks (of 20-30 minutes duration) on work in progress. 
We also expect the workshop to be run in an informal manner, with close 
interaction between participants. To this end, we have limited attendance to 
50 places.

A secondary aim of the workshop is to bring people together to plan an 
international workshop on the same topic in July 1992, with invited speakers, 
refereed papers, and published proceedings. We have offered to host it at  
Manchester again, and  sponsorship has been offered jointly by ALP UK and ALP.

For LOPSTR 91 the registration fee includes accommodation at the Hall on 3 and
4 July, and breakfast, lunch and evening meal on  4 and 5 July. Evening meal 
on 3 July and bed and breakfast for the night of 5 July are optional extras.

Organising Committee: Tim Clement, Kung-Kiu Lau, Lynn Howarth.

For enquiries, please contact:

                 Lynn Howarth,
             Dept. of Computer Science,
              University of Manchester,
                 Manchester M13 9PL,

           Telephone: +44 61 275 6130
           FAX:       +44 61 275 6280
           Email:    lopstr91@cs.man.ac.uk


                  LOPSTR 91 Booking Form
Please tick the appropriate boxes and fill in the relevant parts: 

[]  I wish to attend LOPSTR 91

Email address:
 Registration Fee: [] non-ALP member ( 100    pounds)
                   [] ALP member     (  80    pounds)
                   [] student        (  50    pounds)
 [] Evening meal on 3 July           (   7    pounds)
 [] Bed and breakfast on 5 July      (  14.50 pounds)
Total                                (        pounds)

I enclose a cheque for this amount made payable to the University of

[]  I wish to present a talk at the workshop, with the following working


Please return the booking form to:

                Lynn Howarth,
                 LOPSTR 91,
           Dept. of Computer Science,
            University of Manchester,
               Manchester M13 9PL,

before 30 April 1991. Early booking is recommended owing to the limited 
number of places available.