nathan@cbnewsh.ATT.COM (nathan.justus) (12/12/89)
I recently posted a query for information about a product called HyperCmedia, a multimedia hypertext development system for sunview. I got some responses from the net, and I'd like to thank all of those who responded to my query. I got an ad for the produce and learned more interesting information; I was also provided with the following comment: ================================================================================ An ad for Paradise Software's "hyperCmedia" toolkit appears in the premiere issue of SunExpert magazine. The ad says that it "provides the programmer with a library of C functions which can be used to embed hypermedia documents within an application". The toolkit currently works with SunView, on Sun-3 and SPARC machines, under 4.x; they state that they'll be making it run under X11 as well (whether "raw" or under a toolkit, and under which toolkit, they don't state). The address of Paradise Software is: Paradise Software, Inc. RD1 Box 467A Lambertville, NJ 08530 (609) 397-4142 ================================================================================ I think that it seems like a great product, very flexible and easy to adapt to various applications. While I don't have a sun workstation :-(, it seems like it would be a great development toolkit to use. I also think it could have tremendous impact when designing user interfaces for applications; hypercard-like help functions in database/data entry applications, using it to include video and audio in what would normally be a traditional application. It seems to me that it could be used to tie several different, and seemingly unrelated, applications together to make a more intuitive user interface for the novice computer user. Frankly, it seems to me that a software system like this could be used to make applications whose quality, intuitiveness, and user friendliness have, until now, only existed in the Macintosh (tm) world. Nathan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nathan Justus AT&T Bell Labs Holmdel, NJ att!mhuxd!nathan or (UUCP) (ARPA) -- Nathan Justus AT&T Bell Labs Holmdel, NJ att!mhuxd!nathan or (UUCP) (ARPA)