[alt.sys.sun] sparc hardware specs

rob@phoenix.erc.clarkson.edu (Rob Logan) (02/07/91)

I filled in some holes today. any ideas on the rest?

		ss1     ss1+    SLC	IPC	SS2	
cpu		901     901     801	901	cy601
cpu MHz		20      25      20	25	40	
FPU type	3170    3170    3172	3172a	ti8847	
FPU MHz		20      25      20	25	40	
HW context	8       8       8	8	16	
PMEG		128     128     128	128	256	
cache		64 wt   64 wt   64 wt	64 wt	64 wt	
IO cache	-       -       -	-	-	
Max easy ram	64      64      16	48	64	
bit simms	9       9       36	9	9	

		2xx	3xx     4xx     5/x	5e/x
cpu		900	cy601   cy601	cy601	cy601
cpu MHz		16.6	25      33      33	40
FPU type	116[45]	ti8847  ti8847  3171	ti8847
FPU MHz		?	25      33      ?	?
HW context	16	16      64      ?	?
PMEG		512	256     1024    ?	?
cache		128 wb	128 wt  128 wb  128 GaAs128 GaAs
IO cache	-	-       4       -	-
Max easy ram	8	32      32      16	16
bit simms	ECC	9       ECC     kECC	kECC

		lt	opus	s4000	
cpu		cy601	901	mn10501 (64 bit)
cpu MHz		20	25-40	33
FPU type	3171	3172	built in
FPU MHz		?	?	-
HW context	8	8	?
PMEG		?	?	?
cache		?	?	on chip: in 6k data 2k
IO cache	-	-	-
Max easy ram	40	64	40
bit simms	9	9	9

> From: Pilotti@Jupiter.SAIC.COM
> FYI, the IPC, having only 128 pmegs (like the SS1 and 1+), can only
> utilize 32MB maximum no matter how many chips you can stuff into the box.

> From gordoni@cs.adelaide.edu.au Wed Feb  6 02:05:18 1991
> pmegs: SLC=128, 4/3xx=256, 4/2xx=512, 4/4xx=1024
> The 4/2xx runs at 16.7MHz, and use a Fujitsu CPU, I don't think it has
> a cache.  The SS1, SS1+ run at 20, 25MHz, allow 64M
