[alt.sys.sun] RPC application programming

xxbja@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov (Betty Jo Armstead) (02/14/91)

In John Corbin's excellent book "The Art of Distributed Applications:
Programming Techniques for Remote Procedure Calls", he hints that one
can write multithreaded RPC (tcp not udp) applications.  Perhaps I am
dense, but I don't quite understand how this is done.  In particular
I am interested in providing an RPC type server on MVS, using
IBM's RPC software.  If anyone has any sample applications showing
how one handles multithreads/streams using RPC please send me mail
I will be glad to summarize any responses.  By the way any other
references on RPC programming would also be appreciated.
Betty Jo Armstead              SVERDRUP Technology Inc.
21000 Brookpark Rd.Ms 142-2
Nasa Lewis Research Center
Cleveland Ohio 44135           From: xxbja@csduts1.lerc.nasa.gov