[alt.sys.sun] Reliable UDP transport

john@wekiwa.uucp (John Carter) (03/20/91)

I am working on an application which will require a Sun workstation to 
communicate with an external device via UDP.  We need to implement some
simple means of reliability (hopefully nothing too fancy).  If anyone can
point me to a publication or even sources, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please respond via email, as I have a limited news feed here.

Thanks in advance


John Carter - Melbourne, Fl.            Musta been a barge comin' through!
home: john@wekiwa.mlb.fl.us                  -- Calvin & Hobbes
UUCP: uunet!slopoke.mlb.semi.harris.com!wekiwa!john

jordan@tcs.com (Jordan Hayes) (03/22/91)

John Carter <john@wekiwa.uucp> writes:

	I am working on an application which will require a Sun
	workstation to communicate with an external device via UDP.  We
	need to implement some simple means of reliability.

If you need reliability, you have selected the wrong protocol.  If you
selected ("required"?) UDP for it's "light-weight-edness" then you
missed the point.  Rolling your own reliability in user-space will be
more expensive than getting the kernel to deliver your bytes reliably
over TCP.
