[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WordPerfect ---> Compugraphic Typesetting Equipment

ALG106@PSUVM (09/25/89)

A friend of mine needs a program to convert WordPerfect 5.0 to go into
a Compugraphic Typesetter.  What is needed is a translation table for the
Compugraphic Equipment.  Right now, the only thing they can do is save the
WordPerfect file as a generic word processing file and import it into the
Compugraphic through a standard translation table.  I see a couple of
    1: Get a translation table for WordPerfect 5.0 (neither Compugraphic,
       or WordPerfect have one)
    2: Write macros to convert WordPerfect's control codes to ascii symbols
       that the standard translation table will understand.
    3: Write a translation table for the Compugraphic equipment
    4: Get a conversion program to convert WordPerfect into Wordstar
The best sollution is number one.  Numbers 2 and 3 would take up my time,
because I'd end up being the one to write them - plus there's always the
possibility of not including every code that is used.  My problem with the
fourth one is WordPerfect's Convert is no where near good enough and I don't
know of anything that is.

If anyone knows where I can find a translation table, or if someone else has
this problem, please let me know.  Also if you know of a good Converter, let
me know.  Time is important - a lot of work is being redone.  Most articles are
submitted and/or worked on before they are uploaded into the typesetting
equipment.  Seeing as the typesetting equipment is being used almost 24 hours
seven days a week (a little exageration, but not much 7:30-7:30 7 days/week).

                                   Thanks a lot,

|                                                                           |
|     Andrew Gross                          ARPA: alg106@psuvm.psu.edu      |
|     Pennsylvania State University       BITNET: ALG106@PSUVM              |
|                                                                           |
|          "It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to paint it."           |
|                                                  - Steven Wright          |
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