[bit.listserv.wp50-l] A plea for help!

11AWHITNEY@GALLUA.BITNET (Abigail Whitney) (02/01/90)

        I have recently acquired a DEC Rainbow 100 computer, with two
disk drives (which run single-sided, double density disks) no hard
drive.  I have MS Dos 2.05 for the Rainbow as well as the Wordperfect
3.0 for the same machine.  My problem is this ... both programs work
well, except for the odd fact that I can't figure out how to save
anything in Wordperfect except as a non-Wordperfect file.  Does anyone
know anything that I might perhaps have overlooked. (I am basically a
novice when it comes to computers.)  I have a keyboard where the command
keys for Wordperfect run across the top of the keyboard rather than on a
left-hand keypad.

        A lot of the above information may be extraneous but I wanted to
include as much as possible.  If anyone has any ideas I would be very
grateful to get some feedback on what is rather an irritating problem.
I am not on your mailing list, so could you please direct your answers
directly to me.

        Thank you!

        Abigail Whitney