[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Spell.EXE Conversion of 5.0 to 5.1 dictionary

ADUVA@GUVAX.BITNET (Andrew R. D'Uva) (02/01/90)

In response to my question on SPELL.EXE I received the following
answer from Grant Hoover <U26264@UICVM> [Bitnet]:
I thought that the list would appreciate a chance to read it.
Forwarded Message Follows:

There is no direct way to convert a WordPerfect 5.0 speller
dictionary to 5.1 format using the Speller program, so I can only
guess at what you were doing. It can be done, however, using the
Combine Other 5.0 or 5.1 Dictionary option after deleting or
renaming your 5.1 version of wp{wp}us.lex. This can be done as

Delete or rename the wp{wp}us.lex file in your 5.1 directory.

Start the Speller program. It will ask:

    Dictionary WP{WP}US.LEX not found.
    Create a new dictionary named WP{WP}US.LEX (Y/N)? n

Respond by pressing Y. The next menu looks like this:

    0 - Exit
    1 - Change/Create Dictionary
    2 - Add Words to Dictionary
    3 - Delete Words from Dictionary
    4 - Optimize Dictionary
    5 - Display Common Word List
    6 - Check Location of a Word
    7 - Look Up
    8 - Phonetic Look Up
    9 - Convert 4.2 Dictionary to 5.1
    A - Combine Other 5.0 or 5.1 Dictionary
    B - Compress/Expand Supplemental Dictionary
    C - Extract Added Words from Wordlist-based Dictionary


Choose A - Combine Other 5.0 or 5.1 Dictionary. You will see:

    WordPerfect 5.0 or 5.1 Dictionary to Combine
    with WP{WP}US.LEX:

Type the path and name of your 5.0 dictionary file. The program will ask:

    Combine Common Word Lists (Y/N)?

This is up to you. In testing this, I said Y. Next you will see:

    * Please Wait *
    Reading the a's

The operative word here is wait. It isn't speedy. "Reading the a's"
will change to "Writing the a's," then "Reading the b's," etc.
When the program finally finishes, you'll have a workable
dictionary file.

Let me know if this works for you. If not, or if you have any
questions, don't hesitate to ask.

I hope this information is useful. Please forward any information
you deem useful to the listserv for the benefit of those interested.

Those of you with extensive 5.0 dictionaries should note that the only
difference between 5.0 and 5.1 is the inclusion of hyphenation information by
use of the 5.1 program.  In any case, conversion will not automatically
generate that hyphenation info, so there is little need to convert a main
dictionary.  The supplemental dictionaries are compatible too.

Andrew D'Uva            ADUVA@GUVAX  <-- BITNET
Georgetown University   ADUVA@GUVAX.Georgetown.Edu  <-- INTERNET
Washington, DC

Grant Hoover
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois                                         .   .
Bitnet:      U26264@UICVM                                   .
Compuserve:  76370,314                                    \___/