I am experiencing a problem with the transfer of Word
Perfect 5.1 files between my Zenith portable pc-180 and my
Zenith SX-386.  Word Perfect 5.1 runs successfully with DOS
3.3+ on both machines, but when I try to use a WP 5.1 file done
on the SX-386 on the PC-180, I frequently get messages about Reading
Disk errors 23 and 31 and the door being open -- in any case
invaraibly the files will not be read.

        When moving from a file done on the pc-180 to the SX-386,
the same thing happens on the 386.  I have tried formatting disks
on both machines and all the various combinations that might thus
be produced.  There is still no improvement.  I have read the
remarks about different generations of Zenith Bios; it has also
been suggested that it might be the particular 1.4 disk drive in the
the SX-386 which Zenith has had to replace on some models (but there
is no record of any other compatability problem resulting from the
use of the drive that comes with the machine.  Is it the Bios or are
there other suggestions?  Has anyone else had this experience?

                                        Donald Theall
                                        Trent University
                                        Peterborough, Ontario, CA