[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Zenith PCs and WP51


This reminds me of a problem I'm having with WP50 and a Zenith 248.  If the
user holds a key down to get multiple strokes, the zenith will spew random
garbage until the key is unpressed.
Is this a BIOS incompatability.  Is FIXBIOS supposed to fix it?  (it didn't
seen to.)

Declan Fleming
U of Illinois

SODALECK@ECUVM1.BITNET (Mike Dalecki) (02/02/90)

This is in regard to the question about Zenith 248's and repeating
keypresses.  I had such a problem with V5.0 on a 248, and it was
resolved, I believe (I believe, therefore I am....), by slowing down
the cursor speed in the setup menu.  I think that putting CPS on normal
solved the problem.  I *don't* recall that we had to use FIXBIOS to do

By the way, I have a Zenith Z-151 at home, and before FIXBIOS came out
there was something from WP called NOSHELL that did the same thing.  The
weird bug on my machine was that whenever I loaded 4.2 the system time
was alway set back to 2:00am.  NOSHELL (and now, FIXBIOS) solved that
problem.  Haven't had any other inconsistencies with it.

* Mike Dalecki                         (BITNET - SODALECK@ECUVM1)
* Sociology/Anthropology            ----------------------------------
* East Carolina University          | The World Doesn't Want To Hear |
* 405-A Brewster (919) 757-6883     |        The Labor Pains--       |
* Greenville, NC 27858              | It Just Wants To See The Baby. |


With the problem of garbage from holding down the key, try the WP /NC option
to start WordPerfect. That seemed to help when I had the problem.