[bit.listserv.wp50-l] network printing

RUTHERFORD@CTSTATEU.BITNET (John Rutherford/Faculty Computing Center) (02/01/90)

We have just installed an "Invisible Network" primarily to run wp 5.0
on pc's without hard disks.  We also intend to use multiple copies of the
non-network version of WP5.0 rather than one copy of the network version.
Everything is fine, except that when we print to the network printer (attached
to the server) the job isn't printed until after exiting wp5.0.  At one time
I though I read a solution to this problem (and of course ignored it at the
time).  Does anyone have an answer??


John Rutherford
Central Conn STate Univ.

ELINZE@YALEVM.BITNET (Naama Zahavi-Ely) (02/02/90)


Re:  WordPerfect 5.0 not printing on a network until the user exits
WordPerfect.  The reason is that WordPerfect doesn't send an end-of-file at
the end of a print file spooling to the server, and consequently the server
keeps waiting for more characters until the user exits WordPerfect.  This
problem was corrected in late versions of 5.0:  I have a copy from 6/12/89
that does not have this problem.   I would assume that WordPerfect 5.1 does
not have this problem, but I don't know that for certain.

Hope this helps,

+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +
|  Naama Zahavi-Ely                                                    |
|  Project ELI                           E-Mail EliNZE@YaleVM.BITNET   |
|  Yale Computer Center                    Zahavi-Ely-Naama@Yale.Edu   |
|  175 Whitney Ave                                                     |
|  New Haven, CT 06520                                                 |
|  (203) 432-6680 EXT. 341                                             |
+ -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- +

IANR007@UNLVM.BITNET (Keith Bartels) (02/02/90)

Try using the key combination CTRL ALT *.

This is the necessary combination for an IBM Token Ring Network.