[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Does she or doesn't she know WordPerfect?

grgo@UHURA.CC.ROCHESTER.EDU (Greg Goode) (02/02/90)

 > For those of us who teach WordPerfect, it might be interesting to get
 > your suggestions as to what single (reasonable) question would you ask
 > a candidate who claims a knowledge of the subject. The only restriction is
 > the question can be asked in less than 10 seconds. The answer, of course,
 > could take longer. Does anyone have any ideas? Would love to hear them. Henry
 > llish, NYU.

* Name one enhancement between versions 4.1 and 4.2.
* Name three enhancements between versions 4.2 and 5.0.
* Name three enhancements between versions 5.0 and 5.1.
* What is meant by "intelligent printing"?

I think it would be a good idea that the keystrokes were the same
between versions, if it's a keystroke question:

Here are a few:

* What are the keys to do a merge?
* What are the keys to define a macro?
* How, in WordPerfect, do you do a List Files of just the files
     beginning in WP...... . ...?
* What are the keystrokes for a View Document?
* How many different files can you edit on one screen?

Then there are the questions that the WP Corp reps ask when they
give demos.  Any good WP instructor has probably heard them:

* How many children does Allan Ashton have?  (11)
* What is the average velocity of unladen swallows?  (African or

An instructor might have been to a WP conference or know something
about the Orem setup:

* In what city and state are the corporate HQ's located?
* What is the name of the WP Corp employee cafeteria?  (Hard Disk
* How much total money was borrowed to form the Corporation and
         build the facilities in Orem?  ($0)