[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WordPerfect 5.1 and Quattro Pro

RWILLIAM@UVMVM.BITNET (Robert Williams, Jr.) (02/01/90)

I would like to know if anyone uses QUATTRO in conjunction with WordPerfect
5.1.  I use QUATTRO for statistical purposes and it would be great if it
could be converted to WordPerfect and I could use the fonts, Etc.  If
I could find out this information I would be most grateful.  We are in
the process of getting WordPerfect 5.1 and QUATTRO PRO and I think it
would be worth the change to be able to convert them.

Robert Williams, Jr.                 RWILLIAM@UVMVM (Bitnet)
Reference Department
Bailey/Howe Library
University of Vermont
Burlington, VT  05405


SODALECK@ECUVM1.BITNET (Mike Dalecki) (02/01/90)

The maintenance upgrade of WP5.1 is supposed to include support for
importing Quattro Pro files.  I read this in some kind of promotional
literature (or maybe a readme file).  Anyway, I would call WPCORP to

WP5.1 is also supposed to import LOTUS files.  You should be able to
save the QUATTRO PRO file as a .WKS or .WK1 file (by specifying the
extension when you save it--Quattro then automatically converts to
the format implied by the extension), and then import the .WKS file
into WordPerfect 5.1.

By the way--anyone who needs/wants LOTUS V3.0 functionality but is stuck
on a 640K XT-CLONE machine like I am should look long and hard at
QUATTRO PRO.  There haven't been many programs over the years that I
have been truly impressed with, or bowled over by when I first saw them
(besides WP, I think there are 2 others), but QUATTRO PRO is one of
them.  Borland has a nice educational discount, too.  I suppose the
best tribute to QP is that I no longer care that I don't have a '286
or '386 machine with a bunch of megs.  Well, I guess that's not true--
I'd love one, but QP has set back the day of reckoning.  Oh yeah----
it works great on '286 and '386 machines too.

* Mike Dalecki                         (BITNET - SODALECK@ECUVM1)
* Sociology/Anthropology            ----------------------------------
* East Carolina University          | The World Doesn't Want To Hear |
* 405-A Brewster (919) 757-6883     |        The Labor Pains--       |
* Greenville, NC 27858              | It Just Wants To See The Baby. |

SMYER@MSSTATE.BITNET (Bill Smyer) (02/02/90)

>> Anyone use Quattro & WP 5.1?

I've imported student Quattro .WK1 spreadsheets into 5.1 with no problem,
but haven't played with fonts.  Be glad to respond direct if further info
is required.  Bill    SMYER@MSSTATE