[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Does he or does he not know WordPerfect?


For those of us who teach WordPerfect, it might be interesting to get
your suggestions as to what single (reasonable) question would you ask
a candidate who claims a knowledge of the subject. The only restriction is that
the question can be asked in less than 10 seconds. The answer, of course,
could take longer. Does anyone have any ideas? Would love to hear them. Henry Mu
llish, NYU.

DPOWERS@KENTVM.BITNET (David E. Powers) (02/02/90)

Regarding the question to ask potential teachers:

"Describe the relative benefits of macros and styles in merging documents
from other environments."

TLIMONCE@DREW.BITNET (Tom Limoncelli @ Drew Univ.) (02/02/90)

In article <34406.25c88cf0@drunivac.drew.edu>, MULLISH@NYUACF.BITNET writes:
> For those of us who teach WordPerfect, it might be interesting to get
> your suggestions as to what single (reasonable) question would you ask
> a candidate who claims a knowledge of the subject. The only restriction is
> that the question can be asked in less than 10 seconds. The answer, of course,
> could take longer. Does anyone have any ideas? Would love to hear them.
> Henry Mullish, NYU.

When being interviewed for a training position once I was asked to
name everything that the F1 key does.  (I.e. F1, ctrl-F1, shift-F1,

I rattled off the answer for 4.2 and then 5.0.  I don't know how I
did it, but it made me realize that I need to reconsider how many
hours per day I use my computer. :-)

Tom Limoncelli       The computer industry should spend more time in front of
tlimonce@drew.edu (new)         their computers.  Remember when 'Look & Feel'
tlimonce@drew.Bitnet                      was what you tried to do on a date?
limonce@pilot.njin.net                                                    -Me