[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Moving from 5.1 to 5.0 and vice versa - summary

U26264@UICVM.BITNET (Grant Hoover) (02/04/90)

On Tue, 30 Jan 90, "Robert Williams, Jr." <RWILLIAM@UVMVM.BITNET>
asks about the merits of WP 5.1 over 5.0.

>1. Is WordPerfect 5.1 more advanced as far as desktop publishing?

Yes. The tables feature will save enormous amounts of time, and
the equations feature makes possible that which was tedious or
impossible before. Another big improvement is that the program
will directly print any of the more than 1700 characters in the
WordPerfect character sets even if the character doesn't exist
in the font you're using.

>2. Does WordPerfect 5.1 feature more graphics capabilities?

The graphics box and line features remain what they were in 5.0,
except that more graphics formats can be imported directly.

>3. Is conversion of documents a problem?

I assume you mean conversion from 5.0 to 5.1. The only problem I
have heard of concerns tabs, and this news is a little easier to
take when one considers the improvements the company has made in
how tabs are treated in 5.1. Tabs can now be set relative to the
current left margin and will adjust automatically when the left
margin changes. This new capability makes it hard for 5.1 to know
what to do with tab codes in a 5.0 document.

There are other improvements that could prove useful in desktop
publishing, such as labels, better support of Postscript printers,
improved control over merges, and more-powerful macros, but their
usefulness is more general.

The November, 1989 issue of WordPerfect Magazine has a good
summary of the new goodies. Also, the October, 1989, and January,
1990 issues of WPCorp Report contain similar articles, the
January issue offering more complete information.

Grant Hoover
University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Illinois                                         .   .
Bitnet:      U26264@UICVM                                   .
Compuserve:  76370,314                                    \___/