[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WP 5.1 - Is it slow?

iphwk@MTSUNIX1.BITNET (Bill Kinnersley) (02/05/90)

In the newspaper column "Personal Computers", Peter McWilliams makes the
following remarks about WP 5.1:

        "On the minus side, version 5.1 runs more slowly compared to 5.0.
It is not so noticeable when writing text only on a fast computer (a 286
or 386 machine), but it is apparent on older-generation computers (XTs
and any 8088- or 8086-based machine) or if you are using graphics on any
computer.  Considering that most people have the older-generation machines,
this is a problem.
        "A friend of mine who has a 286 computer was printing out a graphic-
laden file that he made using 5.0.  With 5.0, it took him three minutes to
print it.  With 5.1, it took 11 minutes.  Something is slowing down graphics

Can anyone with version 5.1 confirm such a large difference in speed for
this type of application?  Or is McWilliams wrong?

--Bill Kinnersley
  Physics Department   Montana State University    Bozeman, MT 59717
  INTERNET: iphwk@terra.oscs.montana.edu      BITNET: IPHWK@MTSUNIX1
226 Transfer complete.

trevorc@UWOVAX.UWO.CA (Trevor Cradduck) (02/05/90)

I was reading the WP Support group postings from CompuServe for Nov/Dec
over the w/end and many of the beta test site users were commenting there
on the speed of 5.1.  Some seemed to think it was slower, many felt
it was not much different, one even thought it faster!  The concensus was
thart even if slower, the new features - tables, equations etc - all made
it well worth while.   Having said that, it must be kept in mind that in
all likelihood all of these test sites would have been using fast (286/386)
based systems so that the comments regarding the slower machines may well
be valid.

University of Western Ontario, London, Canada