[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WP 5.0/NEC LC-890 - HP MODE

CSTRIPLI@UGA.BITNET (Cletus Stripling) (02/05/90)

Has anyone used the NEC LC-890 Silentwriter Laser Printer with WordPerfect
5.0?  The printer can emulate an HP LaserJet 500+ laser printer.  When the
printer is in this emulation, using forms to select from the 2 bins is never
consistent.  For example, if the front bin is the default bin--we can select
a form to print from the back bin--however, we cannot go back to the default
without resetting the printer.  I assumed if the printer was in HP mode--you
could only access one bin.

The reason for the HP emulation--is to support a math font.

Thanks for any assistance.