[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WordPerfect Library/Office Confusion

PEOPLES@DICKINSN.BITNET (Peoples, Robin) (02/05/90)

I think I've been getting confused about this upgrade.  Is WordPerfect
getting rid of WP Library and now calling it WP Office?  Or is WP Library
still going to be around as it always has, and it WP Office a newer, enhanced
product?  Is WP Office only available as a network package?

trevorc@UWOVAX.UWO.CA (Trevor Cradduck) (02/06/90)

In the future WP Library will be WP Office and will exist in both
stand-alone and LAN versions.  The macro editor will also be combined
with the program editor as one text editor.  There will be enhancements
to Office over Library - except maybe the calculator!

All that from the WP Support group on CompuServe as of Dec '89.

University of Western Ontario, London, Canada


WordPerfect is chaning the name of Library to Office PC.  This is the stand
alone version and is the old Library just with a new name, plus the added
enhancements for the new version.

Office LAN is the network version of Office.

I hope this clarifies any confusion.

Stephen R. Schmidt                 |    Phone: (203) 447-7544
Chaplain of the College            |
Connecticut College, Box 5556      |    Bitnet: SRSCH@CONNCOLL
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