[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Software subscription service


Here is some information on the Software Subscription Service offered by
WP Corp.  It may very well be something that computer centers would want
to enroll in to make sure that their site license is up to date with the
most current version of a WP Corp product....

#: 124862 S10/WPCorp News/Info
    06-Feb-89  13:37:54
Sb: Software Subscription
Fm: Pete Peterson (WPCorp) 72067,3552
To: All

Software Subscription Service

WPCorp announces a software subscription service for all authorized customers
of WPCorp PC software products.  Anyone purchasing the service will
automatically receive every interim and major release of any of our PC
software products, including updates to the manuals, within 5 working days
of a new release.

A person desiring the service should 1) call the WordPerfect Software
Subscription Hotline (801 222-1400), 2) give the hotline operator a Visa
number, Mastercard number, or send in an open P.O. or a $200 deposit to WP
Software Subscription, 1555 N. Technology Way, Orem, Utah 84057, 3) give
their name, address, phone number and product registration number(s), and 4)
designate which products they want.

WordPerfect will 1) send all interim releases of software with software
change notices, any new printing of the documentation, and all major updates
with new documentation within five working days of release, and 2) charge the
customer standard rates based on the number of diskettes sent, or the cost
of the documentation.*

Diskette Prices
For 5 1/4" Media          For 3 1/2" Media
1-5 Diskettes are $10     1-2 Diskettes are $10
6 Diskettes are $11       3 Diskettes are $12.50
7 Diskettes are $12       4 Diskettes are $15.00
Each extra add $1         Each extra add $2.50

Documentation Prices
Documentation cost will be based on the size of the manual, and the cost to
produce it.  Documentation prices will generally be between $10 and $30
dollars per manual.

New Updates
New releases (or updates) of product will be priced at the standard,
published update pricing.

All orders will be charged a $5.00 fee to cover the cost of the software
change notices and the special handling.  Express shipment may be requested,
and will be charged on a per shipment basis.  Product will not be shipped if
an account is overdue, or if a verification number cannot be received from
Visa or Mastercard.  Prices my change without notice, and this service may
be discontinued at any time by WPCORP.  A customer may cancel the service at
any time.

* Note: All prices are in U.S. dollars.  Canadian customers will pay a $10
(U.S.) shipping and handling fee per order and are responsible for all duties
and taxes.


#: 124986 S10/WPCorp News/Info
    06-Feb-89  23:24:14

If you have a bug, you could request the latest stuff for free, but if you
were signed up for the service you would also get the other copy.  I think the
service will be attractive to corporate support centers, consultants, training
centers, and others who support many users and need a library of all the
versions available and all reprints of the documentation.  I don't think it's
a great idea for individuals.  Now that 5.0 is very stable and 5.1 promises to
be a much easier update to test and learn, I doubt that a normal user would
want to install every release.  Pete

Stephen R. Schmidt                 |    Phone: (203) 447-7544
Chaplain of the College            |
Connecticut College, Box 5556      |    Bitnet: SRSCH@CONNCOLL
270 Mohegan Avenue                 |
New London, CT  06320-4196         |    CompuServe: 76266,166


Has anyone subscribed to the Software Service gotten the 1/19 update?
We usually receive the updates, but that one hasn't shown up yet.


IACWSW@ASUACAD.BITNET (Shap Wolf) (02/03/90)

WP still offers the software subscription service noted in the previous
message, but there have been some changes. There are now 3 levels available--
$100/$200/$300. They differ in which disks (Wp,WP+printers,etc) are
automatically sent. As we signed up two months ago and the detail may have
changed I'll stop here.

I'd like to tell you how well it's worked, but I don't know. We have gotten
1 software change notice about printer drivers, but have not received the
January incremental that was noted last week on this list.

-- W. Shapard Wolf, Jr.      Survey Research Laboratory (VSO-2101)
-- Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2101  602/965-5000
-- iacwsw@asuacad.bitnet     iacwsw@asuvm.inre.asu.edu


>Has anyone subscribed to the Software Service gotten the 1/19 update?

I subscribed to the software update service when I got 5.1.  But I have
not gotten the 1/19 update--and I did get an announcement of a service
with "slight modifications" (such as a $200 deposit option!) from the one
I signed up for.  I am not sure if this means a) I have been struck from
the roles of the WP family pending reapplication, or b) anything.

Ed. Harris
Academic Affairs, Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, CT 06515
(203) 397-4322, 397-4207 (Fax)

CCSDM@INDST.BITNET (Stephen McCloud) (02/06/90)

I did not get any update. With all of the problems in 5.1 they
should send out the update free. I do not understand the $200 to
$800 options. Impossible to get WP on the phone. Anyone
understand the letter they sent out? $200 just to be notified
when an update is available?

Stephen McCloud, Systems Programmer, Computer Center,
Indiana State University, Terre Haute, IN  47809, (812) 237 3793

PA129118@UTKVM1.BITNET (Robert W. Steele) (02/06/90)

.....  Office of Administrative Computing
.....  Suite 500 Dunford Hall, Phone: 974-5143

The software subscription service program was completely changed shortly after
it was announced in the WPCORP Report.  They have abandoned the billing and
deposit route.  They have now just set flat rates and tiers of service costing
between $200 and $600 for the IBM and $200 for the Macintosh.  These tiers
consist of just updates, interims with or without documentation and so on...
I signed up with an open purchase order and then they changed the whole
program.  WordPerfect calls it "Cost Levelling" now.  For more information and
the new subscription service procedures you may want to contact Kelly Argyle.
She is in charge of the WP Software Subscription Service Accounting/Orders.
She can be reached at (801) 222-2632.  I never found about the change because
she sent the change notice to our accounting office.  They called and asked
me to approve the large single payment instead of the "as you go" guidelines
that the old plan was to follow.  Good Luck!   I have not yet received my
WP 5.1 interim...and I AM "paid-up" under the new guidelines.

Robert W. Steele
Microcomputer Support
University of Tennessee, Knoxville

ANDREA@RICEVM1.RICE.EDU (Andrea Martin) (02/07/90)

Looks like an interesting service.  Thanks for the info.


IACWSW@ASUACAD.BITNET (Shap Wolf) (02/07/90)

O.K. - here is the info that was attached with a letter from the WP Sub. Ser.
folks dated 12/18/89:

Level 200 ($200/yr) - get Software Change Notices, notices of updates and pre-
          releases. "Customer could then pick and choose when he or she would
          like to update his or her own software and documentation. Updates
          and Pre-release will be sent automatically when applicable."

Level 300 ($300/yr) - "The program diskettes (such as WP 1&2) would be sent
          out whenever there were changes to diskettes 1 or 2, along with all
          Software Change Notices. Documentation changes will not be sent
          unless specifically ordered by the customer. Updates and Pre-release
          will be sent auto. when applicable."

Level 400 ($400/yr) - same as above plus all printer diskettes whenever they

Level 500 ($500/yr) - same as above, except _all_ diskettes "(including
          conversion, tutorial, graphics, WP 1&2, etc.) and all printer

Level 600 ($600/yr) - same as above, except all documentation changes also
          come automatically (without asking, as needed for lower levels).

So, you are right. $200 buys the change notices, you still would have to pay
the per disk upgrade charge--unless they continue the current practice of
free upgrades when you report a problem that is fixed in the new release. (The
notice repeats the existing policy--$10 for 1-5 5 1/4" disks, etc.) Whether or
not this is worth it depends on how heavy/esoteric a user one is. Some notices
will make it to this net, WP Support Group prints them in their newsletter, CS
Wp Forum will discuss them etc.

The agreement says that they will ship the materials within 5 days of release.
FedEx is extra. You get one set per subscription. _Interims_ may be copied to
"machines with licensed programs." _Updates_ cannot be copied to other machines
--each license must pay upgrade fee.

Don't bother with the regular service numbers. There is a special number for
this - 801/222-1400. The folks I dealt with were very pleasant (no suprise
from WP, huh :-) ).  They also have a fax number at 801/222-5687.

Well, that's all the info I have. We took the Level 300 service, and as I said
in an earlier message on the net, we have rec'd 1 software change notice to
date (about printer drivers). Someone earlier posted a note that the 1/19
release had run into problems and was being delayed.

How about if the first of us to get the new interim release posts a note--then
we can all watch our mail!

-- W. Shapard Wolf, Jr.      Survey Research Laboratory (VSO-2101)
-- Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-2101  602/965-5000
-- iacwsw@asuacad.bitnet     iacwsw@asuvm.inre.asu.edu


I hate to contradict what Robert Steele reported about only the flat fee
structure for the new software subsrciption service.  I talked with WP
Corp yesterday and they assured me and through CompuServe all present
subscribers that the pay-as-you go approach is still available.  In fact,
all present subscribers were defaulted to level 600 (full service) and would
continue on the pay-as-you basis.  Those large corporations or institutions
that perfer a flat fee structure were be allowed that option too.

Stephen R. Schmidt                 |         Phone: (203) 447-7544
Chaplain of the College            |
Connecticut College, Box 5556      |        Bitnet: SRSCH@CONNCOLL
270 Mohegan Avenue                 |           NWI: SSCHMIDT
New London, CT  06320-4196         |    CompuServe: 76266,166