[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Q: CONVERT DW4 -> WP5.0 ?

RAZ@UTSW.BITNET (02/07/90)

Info:  We are using a Microvax II with WP-5.0.  The administrative secretaries h
ad been using Display Write 4 (ack!) on IBM PC's.

Q:  Is there any conversion program written to make this transition any smoother
 ?  Text In will solve the problem, but then
there is the process of fixing the documents after all of the special formatting
 stuff is gone.

COL001@UKCC.BITNET (Helene Chlopan) (02/07/90)

On Wed, 7 Feb 90 05:32:00 CDT <RAZ@UTSW> said:
>Info:  We are using a Microvax II with WP-5.0.  The administrative secretaries
>had been using Display Write 4 (ack!) on IBM PC's.
>Q:  Is there any conversion program written to make this transition any

You should be able to put the DisplayWrite4 documents in RFT (Revisable-Form-
Text (IBM DCA Format)), then use the WordPerfect Convert program to convert
the RFT files to WordPerfect.  I've used this method to convert 5520 documents
and on *standard* letters, etc. have retained *most* of the formatting.
However, some of our users don't use TABS or AUTO Returns so some re-formatting
was necessary.

Hope this helps.

                                         UUU  UUU KKK   KKK
Helene Chlopan                            UU  UU   KK  kK
Computer Systems Manager                  UU  UU   KK KK
Controller's Division                     UU  UU   KKKKK
University of Kentucky                    UU  UU   KK KK
Lexington, KY 40506-0005                  UU  UU   KK  KK
BITNET: COL001@UKCC                        UUUU   KKK   KKK