[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Best 5.1 Features

UCIC321@UNLVM.BITNET (Jim Ducey) (02/09/90)

I'd like to do an article for the next issue of our newsletter. I would
discuss the most-liked features of version 5.1. I'd be interested in any
comments from the net. Comments may be sent to me directly and a summary
will be posted. Any information sent will be appreciated. THANKS.

FDBRANDT@GALLUA.BITNET (F. Brandt) (02/09/90)

The best features in 5.1:

        1) Tables... these are so easy to use and look so good when finished.
One question.... can a table be positioned on the page or at least centered at
the defination area?

        2) Mouse to move cursor..... Suggestion... Because of page reformating
you can select a point that you want the cursor to move to... but if the page
reformats the cursor does not go to the desired place but to the selected
point on the screen... can this be fixed?

        3) Improper capitalization.... however.... Can it be made to: 1) when
ship is used... have it skip all of the word in the document, i.e. kHz. I use
this often... but have to skip it each time it is used... unlike the reqular
spell that causes a skip for the entire document. 2) You can not add an
imporper capitalization to the suppimental dictionary.