[bit.listserv.wp50-l] QUATRO-L

ST801333@BROWNVM.BITNET (Andre Lehovich) (02/10/90)

OK, to all who sent me mail here's the deal:

LISTSERV@YALEVM handles the list QUATRO-L.  I posted to WP50-L my reminder
to send all subscription requests to the listserv in response to the
message that announced the Quatro list.  I was still in bulletin board
mode, where every message is immediately posted.  What I should have done
was added the relevant exerpts from the previous message.  But since I
assumed that everyone would read my message as the next message after the
the message announcing QUATRO-L I didn't.  Of course listserv distribution
being what it is, my response may have reached some nodes before the
original message.  I apologize for any confusion.

Andre    st801333@brownvm.brown.edu