[bit.listserv.wp50-l] A surfeit of noise

ZACOUR@VM.EPAS.UTORONTO.CA (Norman Zacour) (02/10/90)

I am drowning in messages that ought to be sent to some individual or
other but instead, through laziness or ignorance, are being posted to
the entire list.  Perhaps some do not realize that when they use the
"reply" command they are not replying to a particular correspondent,
but instead are broadcasting to hundreds of tired folk who would just
not wade through their correspondence.

COLIN@UOTTAWA.BITNET (Colin Smith) (02/11/90)

>I am drowning in messages that ought to be sent to some individual or
>other but instead, through laziness or ignorance, are being posted to
>the entire list.  Perhaps some do not realize that when they use the
>"reply" command they are not replying to a particular correspondent,
>but instead are broadcasting to hundreds of tired folk who would just
>not wade through their correspondence.

I agree....

But there is a remedy.  If this list is administered by Eric Thomas' Revised
Listserv, the list owner can specilfy that replies go to the original sender
and not to the list.

Tracy you there?   *I've been silent for a while*

-Colin --O.
Colin Smith                |
Colin@ACADVM1.UOTTAWA.CA   |   A mime is a terrible
Computing & Comm. Services |   thing to waste.
University of Ottawa       |
Ottawa, Ontario            |         Marcel Marceau's
K1N 6N5                    |         Second Live Album
(613) 564-8104             |