[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WordPerfect Corporation Products Discussion List

T501184@UHCCMVS.BITNET (808 Dennis Taga 948-7482) (02/10/90)

From:  Dennis Taga, University of Hawaii
I would like to receive a copy of the Univ of
Nebraska Computing Services Network Newsletter
that contains a quick reference sheet for
WordPerfect.  Please send to Dennis Taga,
Mgt Systems Ofc, University of Hawaii,
2425 Campus Rd, SL 10, Honolulu, HI 96822.

CMSRTT01@NAUVM.BITNET (Robert T. Trotter, II) (02/12/90)

     Please send a copy of the newsletter, w/ WP summary, to

            Robert T. Trotter, II
            Dept. of Anthropology
            Campus Box 15200
            Northern Arizona University
            Flagstaff, AZ 86011.