[bit.listserv.wp50-l] MACROs in technical manuals.

JLW@PSULIAS.BITNET (Lance Wilkinson) (02/12/90)

On Sun, 11 Feb 90 18:27:00, "Ben" asked,
>Is there any WP50 lover(?) who can tell me how I can print out my
>MACRO's. I've writeen a ver large MACRO program for our Secretary to
>make lots of things much easier but since I'm trying to write a tech
>manual I got stucked 'cause I had to hand-type every special code.

Using  some  screen  grabber  *OTHER*  than WP's GRAB (which only
works  in graphics mode,  and is picky  about graphics drivers as
well),  like HIJAAK  or HotShot  Graphics or  whatever, you could
CAPTURE the MACRO edit screen,  and then insert it into a graphic
in your technical manual document.

J.Lance Wilkinson                       <JLW@PSULIAS.BITNET>
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Penn State University
Library Computing Services              (814) 865-1818