[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Horizontal Line Macro



I use a solid horizontal line centered, .3 width etc., often in my documents.
This is obtained from the Alt F9 graphics function.  It's alot of keystrokes,
so being the good wordperfecter that I am, I created a Macro for it.

Guess what, the macro doesn't work, yet the exact sequence does when done
one step at a time.  Am I destined for ever to save it as a little file
all by it self, or can I add something to the macro to make it finish.
[It begins the macro, and then get's hung up and stops dead in it's path.]

Feel free to respond to me personally, and I can summarize for all 500 of you
one time.  Thanks in advance...
Cindy Stone, Training & Communications Specialist     ___   II   ___
        Department of Physical Plant                   U    II    U
                Indiana University - Bloomington       U    II    U
                                                        U   II   U
*Duct tape is a lot like the Force.  It has a dark side     II
and a light side and binds the universe together.*          II
                                                        "GO EYE-YEW"
Bitnet Address:         STONEC@IUGOLD
Internet Address:       STONEC@GOLD.UCS.INDIANA.EDU
Snailmail Address:      Indiana U. 912 N. Walnut Grove, Bloomington, IN 47405