[bit.listserv.wp50-l] Chagrined and Contrite

TONY@YORKVM2.BITNET (A. M. (Tony) Cichan) (02/13/90)

My apologies to the subscribers of this list for my previous message on
Replies to the List; and most sincerely and in particular to those I had
so unnecessarily and insensitively listed in my message.

Though the second part of my message contained useful information, the
first part should never have existed.

Many thanks to all those kind souls who filled my E-mail box with
genuinely thoughtful comments and suggestions about replying to List
E-mail and some of the difficulties and possible solutions.  I shall
summarize here:

Point 1.  Nothing replaces experience and experience comes from making
          mistakes.  And even the experienced make mistakes (tell me
          about it).

          Therefor I should be willing to overlook someone elses errors
          if I want the same consideration extended to me.

Point 2.  On some systems so much information gets stripped off from
          the headers on E-mail messages that the information of who
          the originator was, is gone.

          The answer is for everyone to include your name and E-mail
          address in the closing so that everyone will know how to
          contact you.  On VM/CMS sytems one can create a file (such
          as you see at the end of this message) which is automatically
          appended when the message is sent.  Other systems may have
          similar features.

Point 3.  Again, on VM/CMS systems the Reply command has several options.
          One being FROM.

          Therefor, typing REPLY FROM on the command line of the E-mail
          message should direct your Reply to the originator rather than
          to the List (I suggest a test to be sure it works for you).

          However, pressing the Reply key on mail that is from a List
          ensures that your reply will be distributed to everyone on
          the list.  And that's OK if that is what you wanted.

Point 4.  When you have all these wonderful, thoughtful people filling
          your E-mail box with solutions and suggestions, share them.
          Summarize the responses to the list.  Don't just leave every-
          one wondering.

This is a WordPerfect Products List and I've taken up more than enough
space with non-WP stuff.  Thanks for your patience and please don't feel
you have to respond to my E-mail address; it's killing me with kindness
(I subscribe to 5 other lists, not a lot, but enough).  Thanks Tracy.

A. M. (Tony) Cichan   TONY@YORKVM2  (416)736-5147
Department of Facilities Planning and Management
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada