[bit.listserv.wp50-l] TC's trouble restarting WP 5.1

HAYES@CUA.BITNET (Tom) (02/13/90)


Running an off-brand AT clone stand-alone I don't encounter that here (ever
heard of a CBC micro?).  Running off the DEC PCSA network, 5.1 tries to write
something to the write-protected network drive which serves 5.1 to me, but
goes on after complaining.  Sounds like thumbs down on the Zenith.

\        Tom Hayes       /  Academic Services
 \ Bitnet:  "hayes@cua" /   Computer Center, The Catholic University of America
  \____________________/                         ~        ~             ~

MATZ'S MAXIM:  A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
~~~~~~ ~~~~~
                   Internet: "hayes%cuavax.dnet@netcon.cua.edu"
                    Zip net: "c/o C.U.A. Computer Center, Washington D.C. 20064"

>From:  CA%"trevorc@UWOVAX.UWO.CA"      "Trevor Cradduck" 12-FEB-1990 19:28
>To:    "Thomas A. Hayes" <HAYES@CUA.BITNET>
>Subj:  Problem re-starting WP5.1
>Sender:       WordPerfect Corporation Products Discussion List <WP50-L@UBVM>
>Here's an interesting "feature" in 5.1.
>I find that if I exit "ungracefully" from 5.1 - switch off the power, or
>suffer a power outage, I cannot get back in again very cleanly.
>WP starts up OK and asks "Other WP running?" etc and when I answer No
>it *appears* to delete the temporary files created during the previous
>session (at least there is lots of disc activity) but then the "Please
>wait" message appears and everything hangs up.  The only way to exit is to
>re-boot and before starting again to use DOS to delete the WP temporary
>files which still remain even though they are 0 bytes long.  Once these
>files have been removed, WP starts in a normal fashion.
>This problem occurs on a Zenith superSport 286 (I do run FIXBIOS) but does
>not occur on a Packard-Bell 286.   Has anyone else experienced a similar