[bit.listserv.wp50-l] View on a laptop

393885@UOTTAWA.BITNET (paul despatie) (02/09/90)


I've been experimenting with WP on a few laptop machines, which all have
page-white VGA displays.  Although I find the resolution quite good in
text mode, when I View the document, I find that text is readable only
in the 200% mode.  Has anyone had this experience before?  Can anything
be done, or is it strictly a function of VGA laptop displays?


Paul Despatie
U. of Ottawa.

UOG91188@UOGUELPH.BITNET (Kevin) (02/10/90)

I've experienced the same thing, but in MCGA on an IBM PS-2. It is quite
annoying at times, and is there anything that can be done?

q n
I will not forget you.


Yes, I had that experience..great VGA text; lousy 320x200 VGA graphics.
I played with every driver that came with my pre 1/19/90 version of WP and
settled on using the CGA graphics driver.

Anybody have experience with the newer version of 5.1 on VGA monochrome or
MCGA monitors?


393885@UOTTAWA.BITNET (02/14/90)


Thanks for that info.

What kind of laptop are you using?

Paul Despatie
University of Ottawa