[bit.listserv.wp50-l] WordPerfect PC->Mac problems

bin@primate.wisc.edu (Brain in Neutral) (09/20/90)

I am using Macintosh WordPerfect 1.0.5, and having trouble converting
documents between it and PC WordPerfect.

1) Document created in PC WP 4.2.  Uploaded to UNIX and back down to the
Mac.  Document reads in, but loses line breaks (turn into spaces) and
wraparound (no space in between words).

2) Document created in PC WP 5.1.  Uploaded to UNIX and back down to the
Mac.  Document does not read in: alert comes up saying "End of File".

3) Same as (2), but document saved in 5.0 format.  Same result.

4) Document created in Mac WP, saved in 5.0 format.  Uploaded to UNIX and
back down to the PC.  Document reads in to WP 5.1 but loses everthing past
page 3 (of 11 pages).  What gets converted is pretty acceptable, but losing
pages isn't.

Any hints?  Should I try converting the files using PC disks and AFX?
Is there a problem between PC files being flat and Macintosh files having
two forks?  Is Mac WP simply deficient and I should use Word for Word or
some other converter?

Paul DuBois

bin@primate.wisc.edu (Brain in Neutral) (09/20/90)

[I wrote...]
> I am using Macintosh WordPerfect 1.0.5, and having trouble converting
> documents between it and PC WordPerfect.

Well, duh.  The problem was the I was using kermit and didn't have
*both* ends transferring in binary mode.

Although I must say Mac WP doesn't do such a wonderful job of converting,
even though it does do the conversion...
Paul DuBois

                 "Was all of this because I wore a big man's hat?"