(Todd Day) (09/30/89)
Here are the names and addresses of people and places I contacted for parts for my project: Motorola Inc. Jane Bates Business Manager Digital Signal Processor Operation Microprocessor Products Group 6501 William Cannon Drive West Austin, Texas 78735-8598 (512)440-2039 (512)440-2947 FAX Burr-Brown Corporation Kevin Kelly Sales Engineer 28310 Roadside Drive Suite 112 Agoura, CA 91301 (818)991-8544 (818)991-7872 FAX Note: This is a regional sales office. You will probably want to call (602)746-1111 to find the branch nearest you. Integrated Device Technology, Inc. Thomas M. Schulte Product Marketing Engineer Subsystems Division 3236 Scott Blvd. P.O. Box 58015 Santa Clara, CA 95052-8015 (408)492-8560 (408)727-0623 FAX Seponix Corporation (USA distributor for Nippon Precision Circuits) Gregory Branch Director Sales/Purchasing/Shipping 2151 O'toole Ave., Suite L O'toole Business Center San Jose, CA 95131 ---------------------------------------- Here are the names and numbers of app notes and spec sheets that I refer to from time to time: "Motorola DSP56001, Advance Technical Information" #DSP56001/D "DSP56000 Digital Signal Processor User's Manual" #DSP56000UM/AD "Digital Sine-Wave Synthesis Using the DSP56001" #APR1/D "Fractional and Integer Arithmetic Using the DSP56001 Family of General-Purpose Digital Signal Processors" #APR3/D ---------------------------------------- And here's where you can get them: Motorola Literature Distribution P.O. Box 20912 Phoenix, Arizona 85036 Motorola Ltd. European Literature Center 88 Tanners Drive Blakelands Milton Keynes MK145BP England -- Todd Day | | ivucsb! "Ya know, some day these scientists are going to invent something that can outsmart a rabbit" -- Bugs Bunny