[comp.dsp] Taylor vs. Chebyshev polynomials

mac@harris.cis.ksu.edu (Myron A. Calhoun) (10/03/89)

In article <1989Sep28.161516.10353@rpi.edu> wrf@mab.ecse.rpi.edu (Wm Randolph Franklin) writes:

[many lines deleted]

>You can   work out  how many  Taylor  terms  it would  take  to get that
>accuracy.  Editorial: Taylor series are for wimps.

I'm under the impression that in any given range which doesn't have
singularity points, Chebyshev polynomials (of the first kind) can be
used to "telescope" Taylor series of degree N down to degree N-1
while retaining the same maximum error (but this error may pop up in
places where it wasn't present in the original--kinda like squeezing
a balloon).  The difference between N and N-1 is only ONE term
(although for some common trig functions which have only even- or odd-
powered terms, it may LOOK like two?); which seems rather "wimpy" to me.

I can see that if I'm going to calculate a particular series a jillion
times, one less calculation would be nice, but I don't see that as
being particularly significant otherwise.  Do other Chebyshev
polynomials provide even better telescoping?

[more lines deleted]

Myron A. Calhoun, PhD EE, W0PBV, (913) 532-6350 (work), 539-4448 (home).
INTERNET: mac@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu
BITNET:   mac@ksuvax1.bitnet
UUCP:  ...{rutgers, texbell}!ksuvax1!harry!mac

broman@schroeder.nosc.mil (Vincent Broman) (10/03/89)

[mac@ksuvax1.cis.ksu.edu posts a misunderstanding about telescoping
power series with Chebychev polynomials.]

Actually, if one could always reduce the degree of a polynomial
approximation by one, retaining the same max error, then repeating the
process would give us a zeroth degree approximation with the same max
error as the original Nth degree polynomial provided.
Doesn't seem reasonable.

The method looks more like this:
Generate a Taylor series giving significantly better accuracy ofapproximation
than is needed over the interval of interest, say \epsilon / 2.
Express this (N-th degree) polynomial as a weighted sum
of Chebychev polynomials:
\sum_{k=0}^N \alpha_k T_k ( x).
This step is just a change of basis in the vector space of N-th degree
Now choose M such that \sum_{k=M+1}^N \| \alpha_k \| <= \epsilon / 2,
i.e. the tail of the series is small enough.
Then we use the M-th degree polynomial \sum_{k=0}^M \alpha_k T_k ( x)
as our approximating polynomial, and the error will be less
than or equal to \epsilon / 2 + \epsilon / 2 = \epsilon.

Generally M will be much smaller than N; one is trading off
accurate approximation of the function derivatives near one point
for accurate approximation of function values over the whole interval.

Vincent Broman,  code 632, Naval Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA 92152, USA
Phone: +1 619 553 1641    Internet: broman@nosc.mil   Uucp: sdcsvax!nosc!broman

wrf@mab.ecse.rpi.edu (Wm Randolph Franklin) (10/04/89)

You're right that my calling Taylor series wimps  is excessive.  This is
especially  so for  sin(x) which  is  one of  the functions  that Taylor
series are best  suited for  since sin  is smooth  and defined  over the
whole complex plane with  no singularities, and  the Taylor coefficients
shrink fast.

However,  even  here Chebyshev polynomials are  better, and the relative
difference increases as the order increases.

I scaled sin to that [0,Pi] was mapped to [-1,1]  and expanded about the
new  0 (for Taylor)   or over the interval  (for   Chebyshev).  This  is
probably the interval you would want to approximate.

N	abs(Coef of x^n) in Taylor	 	
                   abs(Coef of T(N,x)) in Cheb
0	.7        .6   
1	.55	  .5   
2	.22	  .1   
3	.06	  .01  
4	.01	  .001 
5	.002	  .0001
6	.0002	  7e-6 
7	.00002	  3e-7 
8	3e-6	  2e-8 
9	2e-7	  9e-10
10	2e-8	  3e-11
11	1e-9	  1e-12
12	8e-11	  4e-14
13	5e-12     1e-15
14	3e-13	  3e-17
15	1e-14	  9e-19


1. Truncating the Chebyshev series when it is still expressed  in T(n,x)
is equivalent (almost) to truncating the Taylor series expressed in x^n.
In either case, the error from stopping at any term is usually less than
the first unused coefficient.  (Picky note to Chebyshev hackers: this is
why  it is more  useful to  look  at the   coefficients of T rather than
convert to a power basis.)

2. Although I only retyped 1 or 2  digits for this  note, the calcs were
done to 20 significant digits to avoid roundoff.

3. The Taylor to the 15th  degree is  between the 12th  and  13th degree
Chebyshev -- which is more than one term.

Well,  maybe  you think that   the interval   favored Chebyshev. So try
another interval [-Pi,Pi], scaled to [-1,1].  Note the function is odd.

N Taylor   Cheb
1  3      1     
3  5      1.6   
5  3      .2    
7  .6     .01   
9  .08    .0005 
11 .007   .00001
13 .0004  2e-7  
15 .00002 2e-9  

The Taylor to x^15 worse than the Chebyshev to x^11.


In all the  above I'm using  about the best   possible function for  the
Taylor.   In fact Chebyshev   can do a  wide class  of  functions Taylor

- functions with a complex singularity nearby, such as 1/(x^2+.1).

-  functions  which are  only differentiable  a  small number  of times.
Taylor requires N for N-th degree, Chebyshev requires only 1st order.

Admittedly Chebyshev will converge much more slowly in these cases.  But
it WILL converge, and Taylor WON'T.


(Now  I'm really getting on my  hobby-horse).   There's  something often
much better than  Chebyshev --  a Pade-Chebyshev expansion,  which  is a
Chebyshev  converted to  a rational  fraction.  Its  relative betterness
also increases with N.  However it requires one divide to evaluate.  The
problem is that Pade expressions are not  in the textbooks yet, and even
if they were are more complicated to calculate.  Also  I can't get Maple
to do it right now.

						   Wm. Randolph Franklin
Internet: wrf@ecse.rpi.edu (or @cs.rpi.edu)    Bitnet: Wrfrankl@Rpitsmts
Telephone: (518) 276-6077;  Telex: 6716050 RPI TROU; Fax: (518) 276-6261
Paper: ECSE Dept., 6026 JEC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy NY, 12180

wrf@mab.ecse.rpi.edu (Wm Randolph Franklin) (10/06/89)

In <3811@deimos.cis.ksu.edu> mac@harris.cis.ksu.edu (Myron A. Calhoun) writes:
>I'm under the impression that in any given range which doesn't have
>singularity points, Chebyshev polynomials (of the first kind) can be
>used to "telescope" Taylor series of degree N down to degree N-1
>while retaining the same maximum error (but this error may pop up in
>places where it wasn't present in the original--kinda like squeezing
>a balloon).

Well, it was extreme of me to call Taylor series wimpy, especially since
sin  is  about   the best example   of a  Taylor  --   it's  entire  (no
singularities)  and the   coefficients decrease fast.    Also,  a Taylor
series is often by far the easiest approximation to a function.

However, even with sin, Chebyshev have an advantage of more than 1 term,
and the advantage increases with the degree.   Consider sin(x) from 0 to
pi/2 -- the obvious interval for a  sin implementation.   I expanded the
Taylor series about pi/4, and  did the Chebyshev  over [0,pi/2], both to
20 significant  digits.  These coefs are  the approx  max  error at each
stage since I also renormalized x to be in [-1,1].

   n abs(Taylor coef) abs(Cheb coef (i.e. coef of T(n,x)))
   5 2e-3        7e-6
   10 2e-8	 3e-11
   15 1e-14	 9e-19

The 15th degree Taylor has an accuracy  between  the 12 and  13th degree
Chebyshev -  more  than 1   degree  improvement.  For  other series   or
intervals, it can be more.  Consider sin(x) from -pi  to pi.  I expanded
sin(x)/x  about 0.  Note that  it's an  even function so there's  no 5th

   n Taylor Chebyshev
   4 3      .2
   10 7e-3 1e-5
   14 2e-5 2e-9

The 14th degree Taylor is between an 8th and 10th degree Chebyshev.

Next,  your restriction to non singular  functions is quite strict since
many smooth, infinitely differentiable, functions, such as 1/(x^2+0.01),
have a radius  of convergence for  the  Taylor  of  0.1  because of  the
complex pole  at 0+.1i.  Also,  an N-th degree  Taylor requires that the
function be differentiable  N   times, whereas  Chebyshev  requires only

In both  of these cases,  the  Chebyshev series converges slowly, but it
converges over the whole   interval,  whereas  Taylor converges  only in
(-0.1, 0.1) in the first, and not at all in the second.

Actually, if you allow one division in your approximation, you can use a
rational or Pade form of either the Taylor or Chebyshev, which  for less
well behaved functions vastly improves either  approx. They're much more
complex to calculate, but can improve on the Taylor even for exp(x).

Summary: Taylor is certainly ok for sin(x), but Chebyshev is faster even
here, and does a much wider class of functions.  However,  it is messier
to calculate.

						   Wm. Randolph Franklin
Internet: wrf@ecse.rpi.edu (or @cs.rpi.edu)    Bitnet: Wrfrankl@Rpitsmts
Telephone: (518) 276-6077;  Telex: 6716050 RPI TROU; Fax: (518) 276-6261
Paper: ECSE Dept., 6026 JEC, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst, Troy NY, 12180